Spoiler ? I took the whole front bumper off as per Tim's instructions ... massive pain in the bum, but worth the effort. Used 8 x M6 bolts (hex socket head) and nuts (nyloc) with washers on both sides to "spread the load" on the plastic.
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Oops I meant front bumper
Yes my car was the first to have the lip on which i did with tim
Well yesterday I got my GIAC tune done at 'Spinner Automotive' at the Gold Coast and then today I got my APR dog bone mount insert done at 'Prestige and Performance'.
Great service on both fronts, and HOLY CRAP at the difference in the car.
The retune really shoved a rocket up the backside of the car, and the insert fixed a lot of the knocking and shudder in the front end, and even reduced the brake squealing I was getting (that I just put down to glazed rotors given my pads were still nice and meaty).
I'm not sure which of the two mods made the biggest difference, but for $1049 for both all done on the car I'm completely stoked at that value for money.
How do you find the Dog Bone Mount
Any vibration ?
personally when i got my dogbone mount done i had alot less vibration through gear changes. well worth the mod imho
The vibration does increase, but I don't find it an issue.
It is slightly more vibration that I would like when the car is first started and the idle is high as it heats up (~1k idle).
Once it's at operating temp and the idle settles down to its normal 700rpm it gives a tiny bit more vibration than stock, but still remains very comfortable.
That said, the improvements to the shifting, front end knocks, overall feel of the front end (so much tighter and poised), and surprisingly for me... the brake squeal issue goooone, are all WELL worth the cost of fitting the mount (cost me $150 inc fitting).
Just got my car back from Seb's. Had to get my DV replaced but also got my RDA slotted and dimpled front rotors installed with new pads. I'm now almost ready for Oran Park tomorrow. Just gotta bed them in and remove the rear seats and it's time to see what the brakes and unitronic flash can do.
Hrrmm.... sounds odd. I got the same $150 quote from both 'Harding Performance' and 'Michael Webber Prestige and Performance' here in Brisbane. I'm sure you'd be able to get it done for the same price down south.
Side note, excellent service from both of the Brisbane companies. Harding had an issue with their hoist so put me onto Prestige, who did the job the very next day in a blistering 20mins while I waited. Very impressed with the service.