yeah the date stamp, i also copyed and pasted it, photo shop can also tell which sensor took the shot what iso apeture setting etc
i wouldnt worry about it man, after you get your 17's shell look fine......looks fine now anyway imo.
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yeah the date stamp, i also copyed and pasted it, photo shop can also tell which sensor took the shot what iso apeture setting etc
i wouldnt worry about it man, after you get your 17's shell look fine......looks fine now anyway imo.
Yeah I'm not that fussed now. To be honest after a good drive it really seems to have levelled out somewhat. Its doesn't seem to be sitting so pronounced at the rear anymore. Either that or I have gotten used to it but measurements seem to confirm this.
I do agree it does look pretty cool sitting lower. It almost looks like it makes the car appear longer or that is the illusion its giving me.
Also another thing I have noticed is that road & tyre noise has increased but I have read that the dunlops are a noisey tyre anyway. I've never really noticed them until now. Because of the stiffer springs/shocks I'd guess.
More what I did over the weekend. I took the Pogo out and cleared out the cobwebs for a good old fashioned road trip...Friday night, I knock off from work, come home, pack, and head off to pick my mate from Mission Beach, that done, we refuel in Cairns, then head off to the Daintree National Park. Taking the twisty roads along the coast between Cairns and Port Douglas in the dark was amazing, and I got some great footage. Then up past Mossman to the Punt over the Daintree River...Missed the last ferry at midnight, so had to sleep in the car...(Got eaten alive by mozzies!!)
First thing in the morning, we cross the river, then onto some awesome twisty roads between the river and Cape Tribulation...Be very careful though, only one and a half lanes wide and dark wet patches make this tricky!!
We then Drove back to Cairns that afternoon after some activities, and crashed at a hostel for the night.
Today we headed off for some sightseeing. Turning off toward Atherton from Greenvale produced some of the best roads I have ever driven on. The Gillies Highway has about 30km of tight, twisty roads, with regular passing opportunites for slower drivers, hair pins, awesome drop in apex's, great combination's, and breath taking views. This had me grinning like a freak, and my friend getting some great footage...The speed limit through here is 80km/h, but is rarely reached...You don't need to hit it to have fun!!
Then drove to Milla Milla Falls, then, down to Parronella Park, then Back to Townsville...
All up did about 1200km, and got about 7.1km/100. Had a great weekend, and an awesome drive.
And me looking the usual figure of fitness and the textbook form of good looking...
That section of road along the coast to Port Douglas is a nice bits of road - we go up there every year. I can't wait to get the polo onto it :)
My auntie lives over the river there, we went to see her a few years back, nice area but I couldn't stand the semi-remoteness.
Cape Trib and the whole Far North is fantastic. I lived in Cairns back in the early 80's when the whole road blocking protest thing was going on at Cape Trib. It was a goat track then. I believe it is now all bitumen as is the road to Cooktown :eek: :frown:
well installed my forge tip and intercooler to throttle body hose, (well 99% of it anyway) i ran out of light yesterday, so ill finish it this morning. took me about 40 mins to remove the air box and air intake bout another 15 mins to remove the oem tip after that, 1hr to get the tip on the turbo (im a perfectionist and that thing was a pain in the a$$,.......and the bolt of doom, as ive come to affectionatly call it took 3 fricken hours to put back on, easily the hardest part of the entire procedure:brutal:. ive got to work with my brother today so i may evan have to putthe rest back together this afternoon.