Sorry should of read properly but no way something must be wrong I only had the springs and RSB put in and there is a huge difference to stock
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Yeah I'm reserving judgement until I take it for a thorough workout. The drive I had was in traffic so I really wasn't able to push it around corners. It is very flat though in accelerating and the braking is a massive improvement but cornering I guess I haven't had a real go at at a decent speed. But normal speeds certianly not a lot of difference going around corners.
Guys... just a question while we r on the suspension settling... My Eibachs dont look 2 much lower (if any!) on my car...
I know the drop is 20mm... but just wondering about the whole "settling" topic... does this actually happen or not?? coz ive read contradicting views on the net...
if you have photo shop, you can reduce the dpi, lowering the resolutlion and size, you can also reduce it to low jpeg format, further reducing file size.failing that like shaneth said use photo bucket.
Ok so since my last post I have put the car through its paces last night & today. I feel a bit of a git but I am going to have to sheepishly retract some of my initial thoughts. Handling is nothing short of extreme. Completely flat around corners no matter what speed. Front nose diving on braking is all but eliminated and front nose lift up with rear squat on hard acceleration is also basically eliminated which seems to give a very noticable increase in straight line speed. Overall traction has gone off the charts. I was finding it very hard to get any wheel spin whatsoever under extreme conditions. This seems to have resulted in a dramatic reduction in the ESP coming on especially taking fast corners. I can now power out of corners without the ESP kicking in. Very nice.
So overall the handling is awesome and the ride comfort has not been compromised at all. Infact I'd go as far to say that its actually smoother than stock with lumps and bumps in the road being well absorbed. None of those back jaring 'wacks' you sometimes get with the stock suspension.
In regards to the ride height its still looks cool but not exactly how I would want it. Anyway the ride height has settled itself since I measured it yesterday and when I measured it today the front has lowered 20mm whilst the rear has come down 35mm. Is there any chance the springs give a different ride height with the Bilsteins rather than with the stock shocks?
Here are some pics. It doesn't look so bad in the photos due to the slope in the road but I could have sworn others who have these H&R springs have their cars sitting lower at the front? I am kinda thinking I am expecting way to much perhaps. The last pic is the car sitting in my driveway and the nose looks like its sitting up a lot but the the drive slopes down. So I am left kinda scratching my head. I wish you could see it in the "flesh". Looks a lot different than these photos suggest for some reason.
lmao by any chance did you use a sony camera?, you can see there is a lil differce but not much.maybe its my eyes playing tricks on me but i dont think it looks to bad at all.
Yeah it is a sony. How can you tell? date stamp?
Yeah the stance doesn't look like much in these pics. Not sure if its the surface either because it looks different again out on the street in the other pics. But having a look back in this thread where [-Polo GTI-] posted his pics on pg102, it looks a lot lower than mine. Perhaps its the 17" rims making the difference?
Oh well I can live with it. Handling is awesome so thats the important part.
yeah i'd say my 17's have a lot to do with it. i don't think it looks too bad at all.