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Thread: VAG-COM Logging

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    VAG-COM Logging

    Hoping those who have done some vag-com logging can tell me what interesting info can be drawn out to give an idea of how the engine is going.

    I'm particularly interested in boost, but rather than flicking through hundreds of blocks, was hoping someone can tell me which ones I should be looking at.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    try 002 020 031 and 115 for good info, I forget which way round they are.

    Will call you soon


  3. #3
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    I started doing some logging yesterday so I can see what my car is doing and start to learn how to see whats going on.

    1st up is an easy one: Logging channel 115 for the , rpm, req boost and actual boost.

    The log was taken on a single burst in 3rd gear. The X Axis is the engine RPM, boost is in PSI. I did not take an ambient reading, so assumed 1000m-bar was the ambient pressure. When I do some more logging, I'll have to check this is correct as the ambient pressure will affect the readings slightly.

    I want to chart all the major blocks to ensure I'm getting the most out of my engine and see if there is anything stopping me from making more power.

    Here is a link to a helpfull document for anyone wanting to know how to log and graph Vag-com info.

    Has anyone else logged their vag-com like this? I'd be interested to see other results.
    Last edited by noone; 20-03-2010 at 10:53 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ambient pressure is always pretty close to 1000 millibars, close enough to not worry about any changes. Unless you move to mountains significantly higher than there are in Australia.


  5. #5
    Join Date
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    You can find info about the measuring blocks here:

  6. #6
    All the specific info you need is here:

    The golden rule with logging is to start in a high gear at low RPM -

    "Runs need to be at Wide-Open Throttle, 4th Gear, from 1500 rpm rolling start to redline (fuel shutoff).
    Note: if too much speed in 4th gear is an issue, 3rd gear can be used but all runs need to be in the same gear at Wide-Open Throttle for the entire run between 1500 rpm and fuel shutoff. "

    This gives you a far better sample rate & data that can be checked easily.

    Considering your small boost sample, your requested & actual curve look spot on!

    Don't speed, always use care when data logging. Closed road, test tracks are ideal of course!

  7. #7
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    Thanks guy, always good to get some input.

    My boost is not lacking, its probably mostly the feeling of linear power that has made my car feel slower. As I've changed the intake and airflow components the car has lost its torque lump, which is good.

    17ish PSI seems to be about right for the K03s, I'd like to ask it for more, but all my reading seems to point to 17 being about right for efficiency.

    I'm looking to get more out of the car without upgrading down the BT path... Given my other supporting mods, can APR do anything tune wise for me?

  8. #8
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    I've been having a parallel conversation in the Tuning thread for anyone interested...


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Air Intake temps:

    My air intake temps seem to be consistently low; don't hit 40 deg. Surely the FMIC can't strip away that much heat?

    Air Flow:

    Need to do more logging, but the airflow does not seem to hit more than 130-140 g/s... Dodgy MAF maybe?


    I need to do more logging to get 3rd gear WOT readings for all settings, but these did not seem correct to me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Here's some logging I've made a few days ago after installing Forge fmic:

    Intake temperature and boost on measuring block 118

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