There is a mode 2???
I think Im missing out!
Mode 2 resets for me at 4000k I think. Have only got it that high once.
'11 Anthracite 90TSI DSG Octavia Wagon
There is a mode 2???
I think Im missing out!
'07 Polo GTI - Stock
Yeah, what exactly are you guys talking about? Is this somehting that the GTI's don't have? All mine seems to have is the ODO and a tripmeter.
Mode 1 resets if you haven't driven the car for 2 hours. So you can stop and start with small breaks and it considers the same trip... but if u stop for more than 2 hours it will reset. It can also be reset when you hold the button.
Mode 2 resets when u hold the button.
Mode 1=2 hours driving time,ie if you drive for half an hour,stop for lunch for an hour,go again,it keeps recording.Only resets if the break is 2 hours approx.
Mode 2=99 hours drive time,so a long trip or tank of fuel over a week or so is recorded.
P.S.Lora-have you looked under the seat?
hahahaha yeah i checked the glovebox, looked into a crystal ball and asked a magic 8 ball - it said ask again later.. no seriously LOL i cant even get it to show up on my dash - it just shows the number 1 mode. It used to be interchangeable between 1 and 2 and now theres nothing. Im wondering if my dad might have pressed something when he has driven my car and hes cleared it??
Is that possible?
2015 White German SUV
2013 White German hatch
2011 Silver French hot hatch
2008 TR Golf GT TDI DSG
haha Lora I think it's time for a trip (pardon pun ) to the stealer for a warranty check. I assume you've checked, but you know how some of the things don't have the number 1 or 2? Like the real time fuel usage, have you clicked to l/100km and then tried it? You prob have, but asking the Q might save you calling the dealer.
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