oh ok I think I see the confusion. The helicoil itself is M7 outer, so that its inner will accept an M6 bolt yeah?
I thought the same thing when I first started looking into this. The size they list on the packaging is for the inner diameter, the kits come with a specific size drill bit and tap that's not standard metric.
Don't quote me on this because the good ones are flat and these are the, umm, "marking" calipers. The drill bit measures ~7.1mm and the tap about 7.5mm. I'd measure one of the coils but when you screw them in the torque applied compresses it so that it bites the thread a little more and isn't very useful.
Tiny little bit more play then I thought but it takes the M7 bolt no worries, should be just fine for 18nm.
Last edited by Stein; 15-06-2020 at 09:31 PM.