Get out your dremel!
Cut out any areas that are touching.
So i finally had a chance to have a crack at this today. All fitted up and looking good. one problem. the fking front bar wont fit back on!!
Cant find any pics to see if anyone had modified the front bar or any info as to whether they were.... what am i doing wrong?
- top of the intercooler (and looks like the back of where the badge clips in aswell)
And here (driver side foglight recess hitting the lower pipe work
Any ideas? What am i missing?![]()
Last edited by hazrd; 16-12-2012 at 03:55 PM.
MY07 Polo GTi
Last run - 114.8kw atw
Winton - 1:52.7130
Get out your dremel!
Cut out any areas that are touching.
MY07 Polo GTi
Last run - 114.8kw atw
Winton - 1:52.7130
Yip, lots of cutting![]()
+1, feels like a massacre but it needs to be done.
the most cutting is required behind the grill at the top. The Seat core sits proud, quite an obvious cooler, I think it looks good and sits well, but lots of plastic and clippy bits are no longer. Take your time, don't remove any more than you have to, its pretty easy to do a test fit after a little cutting.
Tighten all the clamps some more, do a test drive before you put the bar back on if you can. I had to take it off again to kill a leak.
Oh crap the test drive lol I was so focussed on getting the bar on I forgot about that!
Will do that before I start hacking into the bar. Thanks for the heads up!
MY07 Polo GTi
Last run - 114.8kw atw
Winton - 1:52.7130
Also take some photos of how much to cut off as I will be doing this over the xmas break (if all the bits arrive in time!)
2005 MkV Golf GTI - couldn't resist
Alrighty. Im done. @AUC-05L ... I didnt take many pics of what needed to be cut. But I can specify where:
- The plastic piece that the bar is screwed into at the middle has to come off completely.
- D/S Foglight cover: The middle part of the plastic needs about half an inch taken off from the inside. The intake pipe hits on it as it curves around.
- The inner foglight recess needs to be cut back... a lot... (Pics are above) otherwise the pipework hits it. Try to cut it so that the lower clip is still there because it will slide under the piping and still clip in
- A decent chunk of the bar needs to come off where the grille clips in as the intercooler's outlet hits on the bar and the bar wont clip in properly otherwise (pics also above)
- Note that you will only have two of the four clips left for the lower part of the grille (as the rest need to be cut down). But its fine, the grille is still held in by 4 screws at the top.
- the 1st (driver side) clip on the grille itself needs to come off completely. The intercooler will hit it and the grille wont go on otherwise.
It looks like a lot, but once it is all on, you dont see anything you have modified so it still looks like a very clean install (plus im anal so i sanded back and buffed the parts I cut back to neaten it up)
Definitely a worthy upgrade. Same boost (for now) but you can definitely feel that the response has increased and it is definitely smoother.
Hoses are on VERY tight, so I dont think they will be going anywhere.
Final Pics:
And here is whatever plastic I could find on the floor after we had hacked the crap out of it lol
MY07 Polo GTi
Last run - 114.8kw atw
Winton - 1:52.7130
Looks good, very obvious IC afterwards, but not so much as to draw attention for those who don't know the model.
I have a theory that it makes its money back in long term fuel savings, or so I tell myself...