Hey Louis19,
You might want to have a read of the last post in the problems and fixes thread. I had a similar issue. Hope this helps...
Problem 1: As stated above got a noise coming from the front right wheel and it ONLY occurs when turning right. It doesn't occur at all when driving straight or turning left. However it goes away when braking and turning right but then comes back once the brake is released again. So basically if I turn right without braking the noise occurs. Its not overly loud but loud enough to hear from the cabin with the windows up and be annoying. It sounds like a metal on metal squeal, and doesn't appear to be a bearing as it doesn't get louder with more speed or driving straight etc.
I have tried jacking the wheel up and moving it up and down left right etc to see if there was movement but there wasn't anything out of the ordinary.
Any ideas or solutions anyone?
2nd Part is just a question: I have tried to search this but have had no luck. On my first start up of the day (or if the car has been sitting for in shade or underground carpark where its cooled completely over 4-5 hours) when the car first turns on, it has a whine from what sounds like the turbo. It doesn't sound like anything is wrong just to me sounds like its warming up or something before I start driving the car. It only lasts for about 60 seconds or so and idles at 1,000rpm for this period of time then drops down to the normal 700rpm idle at the same time the whine stops. I always wait for the whine to stop before driving away in the car. It will also make the same noise if I let it sit and idle for around another 2 minutes but the whine only goes for about 5 seconds this time and it will also do it if I take off after the first 60 second whine and I have been driving for 2-3 minutes and then come to a complete stop somewhere like at the lights etc. I hope all that make sense, if its normal then I'm sure you can imagine what I'm talking about. My question is simply is this normal?
By the way its a 2006 Gti model with a Harding Performance Stage 1 Tune if thats of any help.
Last edited by louis19; 20-09-2014 at 04:36 PM.
Hey Louis19,
You might want to have a read of the last post in the problems and fixes thread. I had a similar issue. Hope this helps...
Hey mate!
I did notice your post before I posted this new thread but saw that you said yours was there all the time with every revolution AND when turning either direction and even once the brakes are applied where as mine is only when turning right and fades away once braking is applied so I thought it might be something else possibly due to having some different behaviour characteristics?
Last edited by louis19; 25-04-2014 at 08:08 PM.
part 2 of your question sounds like the SAI system running as per normal. Its an air injection pump that runs on cold starts to help the cat do its thing quicker.
part 1 - if the squeal pulses in time with each wheel revolution it could be a CV. If it an even squeal it could be a wheel bearing that shows up when the wheel is loaded through a turn but a right front wheel bearing would show up mostly through a left turn I would have thought. Otherwise it could be a binding brake pad that drags when the inside wheel is on a tight arc. If the car is lowered, I've heard that the front anti roll bar can rub on the driveshaft at certain steering angles - you could look for ring wear marks on the driveshaft for that. Good luck. My car would have to be the noisiest front end I've heard on all my cars yet its been given a clean bill of health....Don't stress too much - It may not be all bad.
Thanks for the reply. The car isn't lowered so thankfully that rules out one thing it could be. I'm not overly stressed as it doesn't appear to effect at the moment but thought I would ask to see if it's a common problem that's easily fixed. It is a constant squeal not once every revolution and like you said is hard to believe it would be a bearing as it doesn't do it anytime that it normally would if it were to be a bearing aswell as it's doing it when turning right meaning there's no load on that wheel. The binding on the brake pad is definitely still a possibility which I guess I would have to get a mechanic to look at to check if that's the source of the problem unless someone else can say what to look for? In saying that, if it was a binding issue it's odd that applying brake during the turn would make the squeal fade away, you would think the squeal would become louder if it was a brake binding issue would it not?
Any ideas appreciated!![]()
Have a look at your brake pad wear and check that it's even (both inside and outside pads). I had a sticky caliper replaced under warranty which was causing a continual squeal.
Yeah same here. I had it on a pulsar N15 where the sound was worst through corners but leven lightly applying the brakes would make the sound go away. Its not down to the squealers is it? That would definitely explain squealing/grinding which can get worse during cornering and a bit of a resett with the brake pedal can be made to go away for a while.
Mine started off minor (only around right hand bends etc.) and progressively got worse. VW couldn't find anything mechanical wrong either (even though it did sound/feel mechanical). Took a stab in the dark based on some research, and problem solved! Might not be the same as your problem, but it's worth a quick swap out with a spare to rule it out.
For problem 2, do you have your AC on all the time? Both my Polos made an intermittent whine when the AC was set to anything but cold.
Thanks for all the replies fellas! Ill give the suggestions a go in the coming days. The pads don't appear to be down to the squealers but ill have a closer look and also try putting the spare on to see if that helps at all.
Should the pads have worn down exactly on both the inside and outside pad?
UPDATE: I was originally wrong with my first post thinking it was the right wheel making the noise when turning, it is actually the left wheel when turning right so when it has force on it from the turn. Also I noticed today that when driving on the freeway that there was a slight drone noise coming from the front left wheel aswell. So I'm thinking it may be the bearing after all and maybe the squeek or squeal could be an internal lubrication or friction issue with the bearing? Anyone have any advise or indication if it is the bearing?
Can anyone recommend a good brake mechanic to check out it out to make sure everything is as it should be. I live on the Gold Coast, Queensland.
Last edited by louis19; 11-05-2014 at 08:24 PM.