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Thread: So just how inaccurate is the polo speedo??

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Canberra, ACT

    Well, hang on a minute. It's not just the speedo that's out, it's also the odo. Mine typically reads about 6-7% over on those 5k test strips. GPS confirms this for speed

    As to something being "100% accurate", I wonder how that can be given the circumference of tyres changes with wear. Does the Pug have some inbuilt correction?

    The ADR is that the speedo must read within 10% of the indicated speed, and any error should be "optimistic"; there is a risk of being defected if you make a wheel/tyre change which breaches this. Not much room to move with the Polo

    A bigger problem with the Polo is just reading the bloody speedo, especially when it decides to change from 10k to 20k increments. Whose idea was that? (Step forward so we send you the speeding fines )

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    South Hobart Tasmania
    Ok just rang Volkswagen Australia,
    They sate that its to allow for tyre wear and so that your always within the limit no matter how worn ur tyres are and there is no chance of readin the other way around.
    Also asked about that speedo why it jumps 20kms an hour this is due to having a more acurate speed reading at low speend wher high speed autobarns dont matter so much.

  3. #23
    locus Guest
    A friend of mine has a Polo GTI, his GPS confirms that the speedometer is out by around 9%. When he queried the VW dealership he bought from, they said that it was due to some court case in the USA, I think he was trying to say that they make the reading higher than you're actually going so VW can't be sued for people's fines/accidents if by chance the speedo was displaying under their actual speed. Sounds pretty naff to me.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Melbourne, VIC
    Thanks PoloGTI, you just confirmed to me that VWA have no clue whatseover when it comes to certain aspects of their product design. ;0

    Sorry about my venting this another (final!?) time; I guess I'm spoiled by the speedo in my Euro, but whilst driving the pug I just can't properly use its speedo for the reasons of 1) it being 1/4 of a "proper" size, and 2) it being so much off, and 3) the scale changing on top of this - I mean, c'mon, from a normal driving position (I'm 6'3") there's about 1.5 nanometers of difference between the 80 and 90 positions!

    Hopefully they'll improve readability in future models, until then they deserve to cop some manure until they decide to change.

    From a safety aspect the less time you spend looking at the speedo the better; I think Honda got it right in their new Civic Type R, it being a floating numeric display above the steering wheel. Bravo.

    Whilst you may now think I'm a huge Honda fan, I was actually looking at buying their Civic Hybrid as my #2 car but decided not to as it didn't have ESP whilst the overseas version does (!!!) - the most important safety invention since the seatbelt (*). Suzuki Swift Sport was next to go for the exact same reason (why oh why strip one of the most important features), and then I came across the Polo GTI (where ESP is only avail on the top of the range model...).


    *) read latest Wheels anyone? Some chilling stats; no wonder why the US are making it mandatory next year - and it only adds $180 or so to an 4 channel ABS equipped vehicle, it's completely wrong on a major scale that it's not mandatory already down here.
    Last edited by Funkdancer; 07-08-2007 at 04:27 PM.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Canberra, ACT
    Actually, according to GPS, the strife's car, which is a Honda Accord Euro, also has a fairly consistent 5% error. Funk, you must have one of the "good" ones

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Melbourne, VIC
    Quote Originally Posted by Timbo View Post
    Actually, according to GPS, the strife's car, which is a Honda Accord Euro, also has a fairly consistent 5% error. Funk, you must have one of the "good" ones
    Ah interesting However note that I was actually referring to the speed reported by the ECU to my Scangauge2. The actual speedo needle is about 3% off. However with the way much clearer speedo display this is a lot easier to work with.

  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Brisbane, QLD
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    Never got the ticket...

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I was doing a 110 down the eastern fwy according to the speedo when out popped a police bike from behind me, instictively i took my foot off the accelerator. Policeman on the bike went by, giving me a look, and drove on. So i guess 110 on the speedo is ~100 in reality?

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Alfred Cove, WA
    I find 110km/h is 100km/h and I've been followed by cops on the freeway doing 110km/h indicated.

    I've gone through fixed speed cameras at 107km/h indicated and haven't received anything in the mail.
    Last edited by Ben_GTI; 29-08-2007 at 06:49 PM. Reason: speeeling

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Horningsea Park

    In most car in Aust, the speedo is usually like 2 or 3 kms less then what your actually travellin
    Aircooled & Watercooled Nut
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    02 Bora V5

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