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Thread: Secondary Air Injection System Error

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Secondary Air Injection System Error


    Can anyone please provide me with further information regarding this fault?
    I am somewhat aware of the issue and acknowledge that it has to do with the air pump, but if someone could please explain if there are any other issues that could be indicating this error that would be great!

    Also, if anyone can please direct me to any suppliers for brand new and/or second hand parts.

    Cheers (:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The SAI pumps tend to die with age.

    If you disconnect the pipes from the pump (located behind the grill in front of the engine), you may find there is water in / around the pump.

    Some have had success with resistors to make the ECU think its there, but I don't understand why, the issues tend to come from a/f ratio issues from what I can tell, not just an electrical load.

    If you can clear the code, may have just been a random fault.

    Do you notice a stuttery or lumpy idle after starting? The SAI pump is only used for the first ~30 sec after a cold start.

  3. #3
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    I have the same fault code on mine.

    In my case if I clear the code it will be gone for about a week or two and then pops back on. Apparently there isn't much I can do besides replace the pump or run new code with the SAI deleted. I've been quoted around $1,100 to replace the pump or $1,250 for APR Stage1 tune + SAI delete. Waiting for end of financial year/tax back and will be getting Stage1

    (not sure if that helps at all).

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sofa Boy View Post
    I have the same fault code on mine.

    In my case if I clear the code it will be gone for about a week or two and then pops back on. Apparently there isn't much I can do besides replace the pump or run new code with the SAI deleted. I've been quoted around $1,100 to replace the pump or $1,250 for APR Stage1 tune + SAI delete. Waiting for end of financial year/tax back and will be getting Stage1

    (not sure if that helps at all).
    I have block off plates and a Phase 1 SAI delete tune available for less than the cost of the pump. See the link below.


    9N Polo GTI tuning
    Last edited by h100vw; 17-04-2014 at 08:54 PM.

  5. #5
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    Thanks Gav!

    Out of curiosity what brand/type of tuning are your prices referring to? To be completely honest I'm quite new to the whole modifying scene so I'm not entirely sure what to look for. I sense the general rule of thumb on the forums (including this one) seems to be to steer away from any ECU tune that isn't APR. Is there somewhere I can go to read up on the differences between the different brands without it being a very biased sales page or written by a hardcore fan-boy of a particular brand?

    Sorry to burden you with more questions! And thanks for being so helpful already


  6. #6
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    I don't think you can get unbiased opinions on tuning.

    Google chip wars and have a good laugh.

    There aren't too many folk that have run tunes from different sources on the same car. It's too expensive. All tuners have their good and bad points price, availability, back up, warranty, additional features etc etc.

    I am the Australian agent for Custom-Code from the UK. I have been supplying their tunes since 2006 when I came to Australia.

    I have tuned lots of Polo's from std Phase 1 cars to my own Phase 3 with hybrid billet turbo.

    All stage/phase 1 tunes make the same power within a couple of kw so there's not much to choose from there.

    There was a big thread about 2 years back where most of the usual suspects were run on one dyno. I'll see if I can find it.


    Brisbane Polo Dyno Day Results - 25 August 2012

    If you run through the Polo forum, you'll see lots of solid info.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sofa Boy View Post
    Thanks Gav!

    Out of curiosity what brand/type of tuning are your prices referring to? To be completely honest I'm quite new to the whole modifying scene so I'm not entirely sure what to look for. I sense the general rule of thumb on the forums (including this one) seems to be to steer away from any ECU tune that isn't APR. Is there somewhere I can go to read up on the differences between the different brands without it being a very biased sales page or written by a hardcore fan-boy of a particular brand?

    Sorry to burden you with more questions! And thanks for being so helpful already

    Last edited by h100vw; 18-04-2014 at 02:51 PM.

  7. #7
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    CC is well priced and recomended by myself and a number of Polo owners (many of whom no longer frequent these forums).

    And Gav's here to help and a nice guy.

    I had APR, went to CC, happy I did.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by noone View Post
    CC is well priced and recomended by myself and a number of Polo owners (many of whom no longer frequent these forums).

    And Gav's here to help and a nice guy.

    I had APR, went to CC, happy I did.
    Awesome, thanks for the incite

  9. #9
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    just out of curiosity, will you definitely throw an SAI code if its all left in place, plugged in and operating, except for taking the hose off the airbox? I've done it accidentally and deliberately but never got a code - maybe it wasn't off long enough.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by sambb View Post
    just out of curiosity, will you definitely throw an SAI code if its all left in place, plugged in and operating, except for taking the hose off the airbox? I've done it accidentally and deliberately but never got a code - maybe it wasn't off long enough.
    Taking the hose off the airbox just allows unfiltered air into the pump. Taking the other pipe off to the combi valve would cause a light.


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