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Thread: Sam's build thread

  1. #161
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    I grab second quite early like a short shift to keep wheel spin under control and then just do a little lift as I dab the brake for turn one (whilst in second) and then get straight back on it ,which gets it up on its outside rear and it just rails around. If I don't do that right and it doesn't 3 wheel it'll just understeer though. The way the corner lifts as you go through it helps with that too. I think thats why I ran wide across the finish line. Looking at the vid it wasn't a cold tyre issue - normally as I approach that last left across the line i've done a little lift which gets the back end lively and it turns in no worries. It looks like I didn't do that in the vid - maybe I was trusting that the diff would let me just bore through there. I do the whole course in second. Even across the top 3rd isn't needed. Come to think of it I did all of tamworth in 2nd too though. It was sitting on 7200+rpm at the end of the straight in second there. I tried grabbing third in practice but the downchange through the fast kink was upsetting the car too much and was slower.

  2. #162
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    Yeh, I change into 2nd as I turn into turn 1 and stay there for the rest of the run. I ran Tamworth in second too, except I was having a bit of breakup at high rpm on Sunday, so I changed into 3rd on my last few runs.

  3. #163
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    Have you seen the photos on facebook? A few good pics of your car, I hadn't noticed their were any pics posted until tonight. CAMS NSW Hillclimb Championship - Home | Facebook

    P.s. You mention 7200rpm... My tacho reads to 7,000, take a look at the in car video when I'm warming the tyres. Not bad for a big old engine built in my garage.

  4. #164
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    no I hadn't. I've resisted facebook for so long. I'll have to get on it. Just checked and they haven't updated the report yet. Usually the photographer puts up some good pics in that too. Get that miss sorted and it will love the cold Canberra air even more - PM me your email and i'll send you the entries for Canberra.

  5. #165
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    Sam's build thread-20604395_1952355745001655_936287490063229427_n-jpgstart line jittersSam's build thread-20707917_1952368158333747_7797603706323733680_n-jpgturn 1 three wheelingSam's build thread-20621944_1952366038333959_4180795477624601774_n-jpgno wonder I couldn't get the power down. Rear is on the kerb and front cant droop enoughSam's build thread-20597527_1952362641667632_869047643538600458_n-jpglining up the down hill kerbSam's build thread-20597220_1952358251668071_701663516465464549_n-jpgexactly what I did. not as sideways but jumped the rear over the timing humpSam's build thread-20604197_1952374468333116_8646543969049328190_n-jpg!stSam's build thread-20622002_1952372241666672_35051923007469922_n-jpg2ndSam's build thread-20637894_1952372368333326_3824848103002733395_n-jpg4thSam's build thread-20663908_1952354271668469_5687020097064949629_n-jpgLooking pretty mean. Only just bettered by the clubsport and the Megane. I reckon its so quick there cos of its short wheelbase.

  6. #166
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    Alright my next low cost mission/mod is going to be re organising the passenger side engine bay. Once I get a fresh Ko3s core into the modded turbo, I'm planning on running boost pressure fed water injection pre compressor. So what I want to do is remove the standard air box and in that area make the lowest possible casing for a new battery - a Full River HC20 which will be mounted lying on its side below the ECU. The air filter will then move to the front and sit in a sealed area behind the headlight fed by the same duct that it has now and from anywhere else that I can find cold air.. That should hopefully allow me to move the MAF along a bit towards the new air filter box and allow me to put in line a custom section that will house the water/air nozzle. My boost pressurised reservoir for the injection water will be an identical unit to the coolant tanks we use so will look stock in that respect. If there's not enough room for that then the battery will go to the boot. I don't really want to do that because I don't want to take too much weight out of what is already the light front corner of the car but if packaging all this is a problem then that's ok. When I de mufflered the exhaust and put on an aluminium pipe I took 7kg out of the back of the car and the 7kg battery will at least perfectly offset that if it goes to the boot.
    Its a very good way to give small turbos more top end, gives a variable water injection rate that matches load without the expense/clutter of controllers/wiring and the misting nozzles used atomise the water to a far greater degree than pump pressurised nozzles that don't used pressurised air to 'cut' the water droplets at the nozzle tip. There are commonly available misting nozzles from spraying systems but I know of a guy who modifies them specifically for this purpose (mazda rx7 SP) so i'll have to get back in touch with him. Everything in this WI system is dirt cheap its really the nozzle that you can't skimp on if you want good results and turbo longevity.

  7. #167
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    Sam's build thread-img_4368-jpg Water Injection Rice Racing.wmv - YouTube

    edit: props to Julian Edgar. This image was lifted from one of my bibles, his book '21 Century Performance'. Hope that's ok.
    Last edited by sambb; 09-08-2017 at 11:31 AM.

  8. #168
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sounds like an awesome setup.

    Looks cool as on VR wheels

  9. #169
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    Thanks. Yeah it doesn't look half bad with those rims sitting on the start line.
    You gotta join - you can't live that close to the track and not get into it! Join at Home - MG Car Club Newcastle in feb for 60 bucks I think it is. Then get you CAMS L2S by just filling out the form. Fire extinguisher/helmet/tow points and stickers and your set. They do 12 hillclimbs a year and usually only 60 bucks entries. Your R32 will howl around there.

  10. #170
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    Yeh, I'm thinking the same thing, I've avoided Facebook up to now, but might have to finally start using it.

    You may be onto something with your observation about wheelbase, I'm surprised to find through Google that my wheelbase is only about 25mm longer than yours, 36mm less than an s15, and 157mm shorter than the Megane! But there's a lot of weight and length (almost half the overall length of the vehicle!) outside that wheelbase, which is generally not regarded as an ideal situation...

    I have a complete rice racing water injection setup from a long dormant project if you're interested... Not sure if I'll ever get back to it if I'm honest (rwd 323 with 12a bridge port turbo rotary engine). Water injection is good stuff. I have a water injection setup (with pump instead of boost pressure due to suck through carb) for the supercharged MG Midget too.
    Last edited by metalhead; 09-08-2017 at 03:18 PM.

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