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Thread: rattle in dash

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Bentleigh East, Melbourne, Vic

    rattle in dash


    i still have a rattle in my dash. i think it is coming from the radio or the wires around it.
    i have read somewhere that there is a "spray foam" that you can use to spray in the dash to stop the rattles. does anyone know of this?

    Polo 9n3 GTI

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Melbourne, Vic
    Users Country Flag
    Pull the head unit out and check behind it, possibly just the way the wires are sitting, or remove it and go for a drive to see if you can locate it, prob not a good idea to pack the back of the dash with sprayfoam haha
    2016 Golf R, APR Stage 1
    2010 Polo GTI 9n3, 4 Program APR Tune, PD160, White line front and rear sway bar

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sydney NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Be careful about spraying foam into areas where you cannot really see. There are various mechanisms to do with the ventilation options and any foam can easily jamb them. Then it is an espensive job to repair them. Of course you have to get the foam out, and it sticks like you know what to a blanket!


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