Mentioned it to the guys, they said everything with the alignment was spot-on (not the most reputable of places, but they have cheap tyres...). The LCA rear bushes are
looking good, the front bushes look OK from the tiny amount I can see.
The boot on the top of the driver's side tie rod is split, but it looks recent - still greasy. ARB looks straight, can't really tell about its bushes though. Everything seems
alright underneath the car, from the very limited knowledge I have of suspension.
I'd love to take a look at the LHS engine mount, since it's the only one I haven't replaced (dogbone has a poly bush, RHS engine is a replacement after the first cracked). I'll take it down to the dealership if I'm not able to find out anything more myself, I guess...
(by the way,
these look like a decent enough construction, maybe a possible alternative to the SEAT set?)