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Thread: Polo GTI Intercooler Advice

  1. #11
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    Gav whats the advantage of S3 claipers. They are still single pot arent they? Is it just tht they carry a bigger pad? Are they the same as TT Mk 1 caliers?

  2. #12
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  3. #13
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  4. #14
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    Cheers for all the info. That's a fantastic thread you've got there as well, I've been soaking up as much info from this forum as I can.

    I've seen that the MAF housing off a VR6 should fit without too much drama. Any recommendation on where to get OEM bits like that? I also need a few miscellaneous things, the previous owner looks to have taken a buffer to the passenger side mirror and both interior reading light switches are busted.

    I've been thinking hard about better rods. Definitely know I should but I wanted to do some more looking into it as it's something I've never even had to consider before. If you've got some recommendations I'd be happy to heed them, I've really got no idea.

    If I get some time tomorrow I'll have a look at the brakes, I got the carriers and everything so it shouldn't be a problem. I've been holding off until I can do a proper rebuild of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    I have a BBT K300 and I dont consider the twin pass adeqaute. Maybe in a cooler environment it can hold it's own. If I ever get time the Seat Sport is coming out and I'll do a proper front mount welly cooler and S3 inlet manifold.

    You need injectors, fuel pump and MAF housing to go bigger than the K03s. All 3 are limiters in their own ways. Dont try and miss one out, that wheel was invented moons ago.

    Also have a think about rods!

    S3 calipers fit under stock wheels, you need the brackets too.

    Have a read of Gavin's cheapy thread, lots of stuff in there for you.
    Last edited by Stein; 16-03-2019 at 08:08 PM.

  5. #15
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    I didn't realise you had the Seat Sport Gav, I always thought you had the bar n plate versions of it. Yeah I've not found it to be fantastic either even on my K03s. Fine if you are howling around with lots of airflow but really prone to heatsoak and doesn't seem to want to cool down afterwards very quickly even after you get going. Dave Howletts been looking at my tune again and was surprised by how far above ambient it was running on my logs. At his recommendation I'm going to put water injection back on to take care of inlet temps when its heatsoaked. One day ….water to air.

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  7. #17
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    That's fantastic, I'll see if I can grab one from the S3 I got the brakes off.

    Is there anything else useful that I should try and grab while I'm at it?

    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    Vr6 mk3 golf is the wrong maf. Needs to be the early s3 or tt

  8. #18
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    the K04 turbo, exhaust mani, and oil/water lines, injectors and fuel pump and then you can have S3/TT power in your polo from the word go!!

  9. #19
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    I was under the impression the manifold from an S3 isn't suitable because of the longitudinal engine layout?

    Quote Originally Posted by sambb View Post
    the K04 turbo, exhaust mani, and oil/water lines, injectors and fuel pump and then you can have S3/TT power in your polo from the word go!!

  10. #20
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    no the early S3 with the 1.8T is a transverse engine just like ours. It has the BAM designation (ours is BJX). So the S3 exhaust mani, oil/water lines for the K04's CHRA and injectors and fuel pump will all swap straight into our car. The K04 will obviously bolt straight onto the mani - only snag is you will need a slightly different dump pipe made than you would for a K03, the K03 is a down exit from the turbo but the K04 is a side (towards drivers side) exit. No big deal, each would be most likely custom made anyway its just that its different. Also the normal Forge style TIP you would buy for the K03 wont fit as the K04 has a bigger compressor inlet. Most guys just make one out of the appropriate sized 90 degree silicon pipe from super cheap running up into a joiner section of aluminium and then into another 90 degree silicon pipe that mate s up with the 3in S3 MAF housing. Or you can buy a couple of china knock off TIP's for K04's and K03's and mixed in with the right sized joiner find a good combination of the inlet and exit diameters you need and all the right take off points for DV and PRV etc. Again straightforward, just a little different to K03, not as plug and play but will work. Some guys on here have made there own aluminium hard pipe top section TIP's for K04 compressor housings.
    All you then need is an S3/TT type file to run what is essentially S3/TT hardware but with a dump pipe. Stock S3/TT mk 1 is 225hp (versus our 150hp) so with the dump and an appropriate tune you are obviously looking at a much more solid setup than a K03s stg 2. In the light Polo body you are looking at a seriously rapid little sled. There are a million ways to skin a cat but thats the 'mimic the S3/TT' solution for a Polo 9N3 Gti that uses all factory parts, made for the same engine (more or less), except for the additional benefits the dump will give - has to be a dump as the stock S3/TT dump wont work in our different engine bay/firewall/crossmember arrangement.

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