Alex, have you done anything with the data you logged?
Alex, have you done anything with the data you logged?
Last edited by VW GTI; 18-08-2008 at 11:36 AM.
"VW GTI" QLD Prestige Plate
"VW GTI" QLD Prestige Plate
Guy/Alex??? Not trying to be pushy, would just like to see some of the data that was logged.
"VW GTI" QLD Prestige Plate
I started sorting through some of the data last night - we have 25 + sets of data - its quite tricky from this perspective to compare car to car - (doable) but we have to find runs that start at the same point & finish at the same point to get the closest matched graphs (some power runs contained 130 data points, some only 90 - quicker ones).
I have posted some of Rhy's up on Ozvolks (its automatic & resizes them for me) between his runs 2 & 4 where we deliberately tried heatsoaking his car & saw a drop off in power of ~ 20kw.
You can see the Boost & MAF readings & what happens when the intake temps rise.
Now some interesting data from all this (remember - Ambient temp was 17 - 20 degrees that day)
The recorded top speed on the power runs (3rd gear) was ~98mph - all cars achieved virtually the same.
Intake temps ranged from a deliberate heatsoak run on Rhy's run at 97 deg C' to Eddy's car which hit a maximum of 39 deg C on any run.
Mass air reading were all pretty good, indicating your MAF sensors are all in good shape.
Boost - Cars with a downpipe / exhaust made more boost than cars without - hence the wheel power gains.
I'll try to put together some good comparisons over the next few days, now my graphing skills are up to date.
All owners are free to get a full copy of their data (We have converted it from ECU Explorer to CSV or Excel files) so you can plot graphs until your heart is content.
If anyone does not want their data published - let me know!
Last edited by Guy_H; 04-09-2008 at 12:18 PM. Reason: mph
"VW GTI" QLD Prestige Plate
98 miles = 157.715712 kilometers