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Thread: Polo 2008, 9N Rear Door Central Locking

  1. #11
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    Hi Jtop

    In a word - SUCCESS!!!! but I left it at 18 as the daughter wanted to have the Selective Locking enabled.

    Thanks for all your help! I would still like a copy of the unlocked software if you can manage it.

    My next mission is to code a new key as the car only came with one.

    I'm aware that I need to get the SKC code for the instrument cluster - I'm already working on that separately.

    Do you know if the unlocked version of VCDS-Lite will allow me to code/pair a new key (assuming I have the SKC code)?

    Thanks again, Cheers Kevin

  2. #12
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    Hi Jtop

    In a word - SUCCESS!!! - however, instead of 19 I left it at 18 as the daughter wanted the Selective Locking enabled.

    Thanks for all your help! I would still like to get a copy of the unlocked software if you can manage it.

    My next mission is to code a new key - the car only came with one key.

    I'm aware that I have to get the SKC code for the instrument cluster - I'm working on that separately.

    Can you tell me if the VCDS-Lite (locked or unlocked) will allow me to code a new key (assuming that I have the SKC code) or do I need a full version with a cable?

    Thanks again for all your help.

    Today I'm replacing the headboard lining - I nice way to spend Easter

    Cheers, Kevin

  3. #13
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    Hi Jtop

    Me again, with a new username as couldn't get into my old one (e-mail issues).

    I've now got access to the car again.

    As I mentioned ages ago, I'm wanting to code a new spare key. I have the new key blank, I've had the shank milled - just need to do the coding.

    I also have the SKC.

    Using VCDS-lite V1.2 (unregistered) I'm going to the immobilizer module, and then Login-11 & enter my SKC.

    Then to Adaptation -10 and goto Channel Code 01 and enter in the key count, press Test.

    Then when I press Save it says "This function requires VCDS-Lite to be Registered and Activated"

    So it looks like I'm up US$99. Is there any way around this? I have knock-off cable - I would have to check what chipset it uses.

    From what I've read online, it has been suggested that the registration process in some way pairs some details about the cable to the instance of software but it's not entirely clear - different ideas from different people.

    I'm not sure if another registered version of the software that's already "paired" to a cable will work with my cable?

    How would suggest I proceed?

    Thanks for your assistance.

    Cheers, Kevin

  4. #14
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    Pay the money Dont be a miser or a pirate. Discussing illegal software is against forum rules
    Last edited by Guest001; 15-09-2024 at 08:42 AM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  5. #15
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    Kevin: Hi.

    I will leave the question about IP theft and your use of a clone VCDS device as a matter between you and whichever personal deity you may believe-in! I don't believe in any of them - which is just one more than the number of deities that those with faith do NOT believe-in (think about it!)

    OK, enuff about religion - VW polo isn't really my thing, but as I understand, there were two types of hex25 modules installed into VW cars that used fourth generation immobilizers - like the 9N Polo:
    1. "Immobilizer 4 - Adaptation" or
    2. "Immobilizer 4 - Challenge system".

    I suggest that you read THIS to find-out which version immo is installed in this car.

    So according to the always venerable @DrPeter from Ross-Tech - for a VW, an immobilizer IV that is listed by VCDS as having a serial number starting with:
    • VWZ = Immobilizer 4 - Adaptation
    • VWX = Immobilizer 4 - Challenge system

    The extract below is also from the Ross-Tech site:

    Immobilizer Generation 4

    Many newer cars including all of the Golf/Jetta (1K) Models use Immobilizer 4. There are different varieties of Immobilizer 4 Implementations, some of them don't show a 14-digit Immo-ID anywhere, but rather a "Challenge" Value in Advanced ID. This Challenge changes every Time Terminal 15 (Ignition) is cycled.
    As a general rule, VW models using Immo 4A (with Adaptation) may have Serial Numbers that contain VWZ (for Example VWZ7Z0G705188 ). VW models using VWX (for Example VWX7Z0G705188 )"or ones without a Serial Number shown at all, do not use Adaptation and will have the revolving "Challenge" Value in Advanced ID. Those systems using a Challenge Value are not considered supported at this time.

    Maybe this is the reason for your difficulty, rather than the clone VCDS - which I suspect would work on an immo4A?

    Last edited by DV52; 15-09-2024 at 02:25 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Hi Guys

    Thanks for the feedback. I haven't been on the forum for ages, so all the rules had long slipped out of my memory - my apologies for raising a taboo subject.

    Anyway, I was mainly concerned about whether VDCS-Lite would do what I wanted. It seems my concern was not without basis as it seems that some immobilizers are not supported.

    Having said that, the serial number does, fortunately, start with a VWZ so it seems that it is supported by VDCS-lite - thanks to Don for the clarification.

    So, it looks to be worth my while (and money) to register the software, which I did download from RossTech and get on with it.

    Thanks again.

    Cheers, Kevin

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