Kevin: Hi.
I will leave the question about IP theft and your use of a clone VCDS device as a matter between you and whichever personal deity you may believe-in! I don't believe in any of them - which is just one more than the number of deities that those with faith do NOT believe-in (think about it!):rolleyes:
OK, enuff about religion - VW polo isn't really my thing, but as I understand, there were two types of hex25 modules installed into VW cars that used fourth generation immobilizers - like the 9N Polo:
- "Immobilizer 4 - Adaptation" or
- "Immobilizer 4 - Challenge system".
I suggest that you read THIS to find-out which version immo is installed in this car.
So according to the always venerable @DrPeter from Ross-Tech - for a VW, an immobilizer IV that is listed by VCDS as having a serial number starting with:
- VWZ = Immobilizer 4 - Adaptation
- VWX = Immobilizer 4 - Challenge system
The extract below is also from the Ross-Tech site:
Immobilizer Generation 4
Many newer cars including all of the Golf/Jetta (1K) Models use Immobilizer 4. There are different varieties of Immobilizer 4 Implementations, some of them don't show a 14-digit Immo-ID anywhere, but rather a "Challenge" Value in Advanced ID. This Challenge changes every Time Terminal 15 (Ignition) is cycled.
As a general rule, VW models using Immo 4A (with Adaptation) may have Serial Numbers that contain VWZ (for Example VWZ7Z0G705188 ). VW models using VWX (for Example VWX7Z0G705188 )"or ones without a Serial Number shown at all, do not use Adaptation and will have the revolving "Challenge" Value in Advanced ID. Those systems using a Challenge Value are not considered supported at this time.
Maybe this is the reason for your difficulty, rather than the clone VCDS - which I suspect would work on an immo4A?