I dont see how its do able. The Forge barely fit against the gear linkage cables on my car and this is much bigger. Hope it did though cos I'll be getting one if it did!
I dont see how its do able. The Forge barely fit against the gear linkage cables on my car and this is much bigger. Hope it did though cos I'll be getting one if it did!
was it a struggle to get it to clear the gear cables or easy fit?
Sam they do fit... Just need a little trim on the turbo end of the TIP... I put one in the other day
I've read that there are gains with these 'fatty' TIP's vs your run of the mill Forge ones which are much narrower down at the bend before the compressor flange. Damn... should have done one. I have the Forge version but always figured these wouldnt fit without wedging the gear linkage cables. I'll have a different turbo soon so its a moot point but good to know the 'fattys' fit.
I see Sam's post is about a year old, but I just replaced my rear LCA bushes the other day, so this may be useful to someone. Took about 4 hours, and I'm pretty slow. I bought this tool from Amazon, $US50 plus $NZ35 postage to get it home. Brilliant. Pressed in the Superpro offset ones, with the tool allowing me to do it with the subframe in situ.