imparts HSY or ebay.
hi guys!,
just wondering if any of you guys know where to buy Oil Filter For Cheap?
thanks alot for helping
imparts HSY or ebay.
I looked on ebay before, most are from overseas and the shipping makes it no less expensive than buying from the dealer. I've seen the filter for $15 on european autotech's website. I've asked the vw dealer, and it's about $22 from them.
ECS has them for about $9 each if you buy it in bulk but their shipping of $80 for the 10 makes it about $16 each. However, this seems to be just a generic shipping cost and if you can find other things you require that can attach tot he order then it would be much cheaper overall.
They are $12 from Imparts, just looked at my last invoice.
I usually pay around $18.00 from VW. Cheap insurance if you ask me.
2001 Bora 4 Motion Sport now used by number two son
2011 Skoda Octavia Scout now with Underground Performance tune
2010 Jetta 125 tdi dsg for the misses - Impressed
2006 Polo GTI - Enhanced by some of Gav's magic - Absolutely loving it