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Thread: New Polo Gti (2008/09)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Alfred Cove, WA

    Don't care how much the photo-chopped it, its still nasty.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Thread Starter
    Never said they were photos of the 'actual car' but still interesting, the second photo I wasnt sure about either it said Polo but I wasnt convinced, the first photo I reckon could be closer to the genuine article, we'll see I guess

  3. #13
    Babee J Guest
    I'm actually against the back end... i think it's really plain and lack lustre... The front looks a little overkill but not bad... There are apparently some photo's of the new gold gti too and the front lights look almost identical.

    My question is why have VW pushed forward the release of the mk6 golf gti and obviously looking at doing the same here with the polo... From what I've read, it seems to be to cut costs and reduce the time in build (currently takes ages because of the detail around it).

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    I suppose the current models ...

    ... have been around a couple of years now ... but I wouldn't have thought they'd nearly 'milked' the market yet (judging by delivery waiting lists and popularity ratings).

    Ben .. tell 'em to hold off another couple of years.


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