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oh and RE the vcds stuff, block 031 should be updating constantly even at cold start. Block 032 though will only start showing STFT trim changes when the cold start/warm start routine finishes I think. Its long term fuel trim LTFT usually needs the coolant temp to be greater than 75 degrees + some other conditions before you'll see it appear and getting it to update can take sometimes a long drive in cruise mode ie closed loop. If your block 032 trims dont eventually appear/update, let yus know cos there's a couple of simple things that can cause that other than say a dud 02 sensor.
You could also monito block 091 I think it is - it'll say 0.00 or 20.0 degrees cf. That shows inlet cam advance. It advances to 20cf = 20 crank degrees only at cold start up. If its not doing that then you might have a weird cold start because the cam is all over the place due to a dud chain tensioner or the cam advance solenoid isnt moving the cam.