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Thread: Louis19's Build Thread

  1. #351
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    Physically a clever location for the blow off valve, but no so much technically. The ideal location is a close to the throttle body as possible, that way we are not reversing the airflow so much/so far. Having it close to the compressor outlet means the airflow between the BOV and the throttle body reverses direction when the throttle is closed. As a result the compressor has to again reverse the air flow (back to its normal direction) when the throttle is reopened. That creates a delay in the throttle response. Whereas there is no reversal of airflow with a BOV located close to the throttle body, the airflow remains in the right direction. As a result the compressor doesn't have to work as hard and the throttle response is faster. Probably not a big deal on a road car, but it is very noticeable on track car where on / off throttle response is important.

    Golf Mk7.5 R, Volvo S60 Polestar, Skyline R32GTST

  2. #352
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    Louis19's Build Thread

    Cheers for the info Gary. I placed the n75, DV and other vac hoses to the same positions as where they run from factory and routing through pipe work the same way as well. It means one less thing to potentially cause issues/simplify the tuning side of things. It also means less pipe work running around the engine bay and makes it look a bit tidier. As you say if it wasn’t a street car, and purely track dedicated things like that would come into consideration as well as other things that can compromise drivability around town, but enhance performance on track.
    Last edited by louis19; 14-11-2017 at 12:31 PM.
    2006 GTI Polo - Big Turbo Build - Louis19's Build Thread

  3. #353
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    While I await the powder coating to be completed so I can finish off pipe work, I spent today going to brissy, cutting out this shifter from the chassis through the passenger window because the door wouldn’t open (not that you would want to hop inside the car with another one stacked on top)Louis19's Build Thread

    Then back home and swapped it out with the Diesel Geek slop removal bush kit installed. No factory bushes in the shifter assembly at all now and feels fantastic.

    2006 GTI Polo - Big Turbo Build - Louis19's Build Thread

  4. #354
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    Last week I got my last lot of powder coating back so that all went back in right away so I could complete the plumbing side of things on the intake and surrounding hoses.

    Got a few more bits to do this weekend, bleed the brakes and clutch, wire in the new maf sensor, fit the catch can and bolt the bumper back on.

    The car has been booked in for next week to have a new dump pipe fabricated to suit this new setup. Once the car comes back from there it should just about be ready to crank over for the first time and with any luck I’ll be rolling around, running it in by Christmas.

    Little things like a heat shield/air flow director to the pod still need to be made but that can be done once the car is going again.

    2006 GTI Polo - Big Turbo Build - Louis19's Build Thread

  5. #355
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    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #356
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    good stuff Louis. Looks tidy as. What avenue are you going to take with the tuning of it?

  7. #357
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    Quote Originally Posted by sambb View Post
    good stuff Louis. Looks tidy as. What avenue are you going to take with the tuning of it?
    Yoda-gavs ears are burning
    08 9n3 Polo GTI
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  8. #358
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    Thanks Fellas. Yup Lee is onto it, it will be tuned via myself and Underground Performance (Gav and Alex).

    Fingers crossed it’ll be running in on Xmas holidays, start tweaking in the new year
    2006 GTI Polo - Big Turbo Build - Louis19's Build Thread

  9. #359
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    MAF-less? I'm picturing vids of it on the 2 step crackling out the tailpipe.

  10. #360
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    Louis19's Build Thread

    No it’s going to be running a special maf sensor. Stock maf will be maxed out and burn out in no time and I’m not a big fan of mafless setups in general. It’s called a PMAS HPX Maf sensor. Not cheap but rated to 600whp in a 3” housing. Can be used in housings all the way up to 5” (1100whp) depending on your engine size and application.
    2006 GTI Polo - Big Turbo Build - Louis19's Build Thread

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