Well on Saturday after the happy laps, Anthony threw me the keys to his pride and joy, the red devil. I didn't drive it on the track, just a short run up the road. I drove the car about 2 years ago when mine was standard and it was probably around stage 2 modification, it left a lasting impression than. 2yrs on, it's clearly undergone quite a development.
In terms of power deliver, it's simply solid through the whole rev range. Whereas before, and with mine now, the power deliver feels elastic in the way it builds in to a peak, the red devil feels much more linear, and has phenomenal power throughout, yet cruises along at 70km/h in fifth without faze.
The brakes and clutch are certainly much better than the standard set-up with increased feel. My car always feels a little tired after the track, the first time I apply the brakes after the track it's like holding pieces of wood to the rotors, no such thing in the devil, still plenty of feel, even at low speeds with no heat. (I want those brakes, and clutch, and, and, and, etc)