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Thread: Licence & Points

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Burleigh Heads, Qld

    Licence & Points

    No tickets for over 4 years with company cars (boring Laser then even more boring Corolla) partly due to good luck and partly because they are so boring to drive.

    GTI for 12 months and as of this week my last 3 points of 12 have just gone (73 in a 60) - even with two camera tickets being taken by others!!!

    So it's going to be a 3mth suspension or 12mths on 2 points and being INCREDIBLY good.

    One was a genuine mistake - I really believed I was in a 100 zone (101 in an 80 zone on cruise control - 4 points) and the others were 3 pointers (70 odd in 60 zones) and almost all incredibly bad luck. Twice I was first at lights - accelerating a little too fast in 1st and 2nd up to 70 odd then getting zapped just as I back off to bring speed down before I even spotted the radar trap

    Bloody GTI - a fraction more or less of foot pressure on the go pedal is the diff between 60 and 75

    How does every one else go?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    And there are SO many radars around these days.

    Used to be able to spot the camera cars easy but they hide them in parked cars these days making it harder.

    GF is a cop and she says that they are constantly told to crack down on speeding due to the press on the road toll.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    That's a shocker Pete! .. I remember you telling me you only had a couple of points left at the dyno day..

    I've had one camera ticket in the polo about a month after I bought it. None since.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by philthy View Post
    That's a shocker Pete! .. I remember you telling me you only had a couple of points left at the dyno day..

    I've had one camera ticket in the polo about a month after I bought it. None since.

    I know!!! A new record for me - two tickets in less than 2 weeks!! One a camera on Wynnum Road (on a sickie going to the bloody gym - should have gone to work!!!) and one on Old Cleveland Road away from the lights.

    Hint to Brisbane drivers - NEVER speed anywhere on Old Cleveland Road - I drive it every day and it has radars every other day in all sorts of spots.

  5. #5
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    I actually drove back and spoke to the camera operator on Wynnum to see if I had been done (thought I was doing about 65) - he was quite nice (knows the girlfriend ) and said "Yeah, you were the guy who braked hard after going past me". They write down the type of vehicle caught speeding ona manual log in case it ends up in court.

    Here's two hints - the radar zaps you BEFORE you even get to the camera van and they radar is set to only go off at 71kmh and over. GF confirms this is normal operating procedure, even for hand held radar.

    During my conversation with him it did make me happy to see the shiny new big black Merc 4WD with stupid ego plates (MR IQ) go through at 89 in a 60 zone (I'm a left winger!!!)
    Last edited by PeterHBne; 28-08-2008 at 09:00 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    My license is gone for 6 months as of yesterday

    Most of my points were lost for stupid stuff (u-turn...? do something useful douchebag policemen) almost 3 years ago.

    I'd take the 3 month suspension, the 2 points is WAY too hard.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tosspot View Post
    My license is gone for 6 months as of yesterday

    Most of my points were lost for stupid stuff (u-turn...? do something useful douchebag policemen) almost 3 years ago.

    I'd take the 3 month suspension, the 2 points is WAY too hard.

    Crap - thats bad luck mate - must be something in the air.

    3mths can't do - I'm a sales rep.

    Checked with GF re driving while licence gone as it is tempting (12 points back after 3 mths) - however rules have changed if you get caught. If you are caught driving without licence it is straight to court. Bear in mind that a police car behind you will often do random rego checks for exactly this reason even if you are being a good boy.

    Oh, and at court you will loose licence for at least 12 months - get caught again during that time and you loose your car for a time &/or jail. 3rd time go straight to jail, do not pass go.

    She said judges are easier on murderers than unlicenced/disqualifed drivers.
    Last edited by PeterHBne; 28-08-2008 at 09:46 AM.

  8. #8
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    Only had one so far (touch wood) since I bought the Pog. Some slimeball cop, at night, badly lit area at the bottom of a gradient, hidden amongst parked cars and no signs posted flashed me doing 70 in a 60 zone. It was a wet night and I was totally blinded ... wonder I didn't crash.


  9. #9
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterHBne View Post
    Bear in mind that a police car behind you will often do random rego checks for exactly this reason even if you are being a good boy.
    Don't know about Qld but in NSW they are using cameras that scan number plates as they drive and do a check of rego licence etc. on the fly. The risk of getting caught is increasing!


    06 Jetta 2.0TFSI Killed by a Lexus!
    09 Eos 2.0TSI DSG Loved this car but has now gone to a new home!!
    14 EOS 2.0 TSI has arrived!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterHBne View Post
    (12 points back after 3 mths)
    Is that right?

    It takes 3 years to get 3 points back from a fine yet if you lose them all and go 3 months without driving(being caught) then you'll get all 12 back again?

    Sounds stupid to me but that is the government for you.

    I was watching a police show on Monday night and a 22yr old got caught driving through 2 red lights then blew a .195 with 3 mates in the car. He was suspended from driving for 6 months. But he was also busted for driving with a cancelled licence and received a further 9 months.

    So in the governments eyes it's better to drive drunk and reckless endangering lives then just without a license.

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