Yes agreed. But each morning that I knew our ship was at a new port, receiving the pics from him made it feel very real, and to think our cars were in Aussue watersOriginally Posted by Timbo
Now that's a tad obsessive!Originally Posted by FL00DY
Yes agreed. But each morning that I knew our ship was at a new port, receiving the pics from him made it feel very real, and to think our cars were in Aussue watersOriginally Posted by Timbo
aus liebe zum automobil
I have some pics of mine.
Oh man, I just came across this forum. I just payed 29k drive away w/o options27k drive away?!?!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo The only thing they threw in was slim line plates, mats, and a full tank of fuel
I bought it on Tuesday, is there anything I can do?!
slim like plates are about 34 bucks
Full tank about 50 bucks
Mats are already included in the GTI polo.
You have been slightly had by the dealership and what they have done is slightly illegal.
If i were you i would make a call to the dealer principal and explain the situation.
I think you will find him/her to be quite helpful in this sort of situation.
Save yourself two grand by making a 15 minute phone call.... do yourself a favour mate.
P.s dont let this spoil your experience. The GTI polo is a truely extrordinary car.
What do I say to them to get the 2k off? Aren't I already bound to the contract I signed to pay 29k? Because at the moment, it is truly destroying my love for the car since this is my first car and I spent a great deal of my savings on it![]()
Last edited by poloplayer; 18-03-2007 at 07:57 PM.
you are bound to purchase the car unless your finance falls through because most new vehicle contracts are ''subject to finance''
there is only very little margin in new cars.
Now with the polo GTI with free on roads there is an absolutely miniscule amount of profit in it for the dealer. When i mean small profit... i mean it.
I work at a dealer network and i have access to our VW branch price and margin listings.
Sounds like you have run into a pretty cluey and slightly dishonest salesman and manager.
Get in contact with the sales manager and make it known to him that GTI polos are currently going for 26,990 and unless the price is adjusted accordingly then you will be making a call to the dealer principle and will not be taking delivery untill the situation is resolved.
Trust me, he/she will fold as soon as you make it known that they are being dishonest.
You wont regret making the phone call.
I realise your upset, as i said try not to let it affect your buying decision. Try to stay calm and polite on the phone. The manager will react much more favourably that way.
(sigh of relief!) Am I not bound to taking delivery of the vehicle since i have signed the contract, thus rendering the "i won't take delviery until the matter is resolved" useless? Or am I missing something (I hope I am).
I dont see how they are being dishonest mate. So i would watch what you say to them or they might get there back up. On the VW website under Polo price list actually hres the link Polo Price list you will notice that the Polo is $26990 and that below that it says not including dealer charges. I know some have said that there has been advertisments for polo gti at 26990 on road but i personally havent seen one. And for all we know that could have been to run out the 06 plated ones. Now having said all that i am deeply sorry that you have signed for that much and yes although a call to the manager might help i would not be so quick to accuse them of anything as in fact they havent done anything dishonest imho. and no im not a sales person just someone who tries to look from all angles of the subject.
edit - and unfortuneatley you might not have fought well enough for a lower price. Where are you form.
Last edited by shaneth; 19-03-2007 at 06:23 AM.
Hang on, hang on....before anyone goes off accusing a dealer of being dishonest or anything, as far as I recall, the $26,990 OTR price was a run-out price for '06 build cars -- a fairly standard pricing approach at the beginning of the year. I haven't seen it as applying to '07 built cars.
Is there anyone here who paid $27K and has an '07 build?