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Thread: Heater not turning off

  1. #1

    Heater not turning off

    We have a 2006 1.9 TDI 9N3. Just recently I notice the heater is not turning off using the left hand control in the middle of the dashboard.

    I am concerned the heater tap has failed.

    The Haynes Manual doesn't specifically deal with this issue.

    Can anyone tell me where it is located?

    Is it inside the dashboard incorporated into the heater unit or elsewhere?

    Need to know if I need to pull the centre control panel apart which appears to be quite a big job.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    There is no heater tap mate. My advice before getting the tools out. Rotate the dial to full hot and cold a couple of times and set it where you want it to be.
    The mk1 golf is the last VW I know to have a tap. Since then it's been blend doors.

    You dont want to having the dash out if you can help it

  3. #3
    Thanks for the advice .

    I will try what you have suggested.

    Pulling that heater matrix out does not look like any kind of picnic.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by fredeuce View Post
    Thanks for the advice .

    I will try what you have suggested.

    Pulling that heater matrix out does not look like any kind of picnic.

    I would drive with the windows down before pulling a dash out

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