View Poll Results: Does your Polo GTI have gearbox problems?

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Thread: Have you had gearbox problems with your Polo GTI?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Burleigh Heads, Qld

    3,300kms and no problems. The odd crunche when putting in reverse, but this is common in pretty much every manual car I've ever driven.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by PeterHBne View Post
    3,300kms and no problems. The odd crunche when putting in reverse, but this is common in pretty much every manual car I've ever driven.
    I get that too! I thought mine might have been faulty, but i guess not. Does anyone know why this happens?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2007
    West Ryde, NSW
    Thread Starter
    Is it because there is no syncro for Reverse gears?

    My old car had the occasional crunch as well. Lasted 12 years with it and it was still going strong. I wouldn't worry about it unless it happened all the time.
    Former ride: MY07 Black Polo GTI
    Current: MY09 Blue Passat R36 Wagon

  4. #14
    TobyG Guest

    Have you had gearbox problems with your Polo GTI?

    My gearbox graunches from 1st to 2nd. Started off at 5000 rpm changes, but now doing it from as low as 3500 rpm. Took car into VW this week, and I just had a call from the service centre 5 minutes ago. The technician told me that VW has recognized this as a common problem with the Polo GTi gear boxes. It bothers me that VW australia decided to keep selling them without fixing the problem... cost of repairs will take all profit out of the sale, so they're actually shooting them selves in the foot. ANYWAY... I am booked in for October 1 - for a "GEARBOX RE-BUILD". Car will be off the road for 1 week. They opted for a re-build instead of a replacement, because they're afraid that the replacement box would suffer from the same problem. I can't beleive how crap this car is... other problems I am having are rattles from the dash-board, radio reception is crap, paint defect (now fixed), front suspension (struts replaced). I've had the car for less than 4 months, and it's been back to the dealer 6 or 7 times with warranty issues.... not happy Jan !!!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    seems you're totally disatisfied with the car, maybe you should consider selling it and getting back into a japanese car which, based on your previous comments, seems to be your preference.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by TobyG View Post
    I've had the car for less than 4 months, and it's been back to the dealer 6 or 7 times with warranty issues.... not happy Jan !!!
    Sorry to hear bout all your problems toby but can honestly say have only had 1 problem in a year and that hasnt reoccured since i put my new coilovers in. All I can say is like GT3 if you are that unhappy with it either move on or talk to VWA about it themselves

  7. #17
    mdonohoe Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by GT3 View Post
    seems you're totally disatisfied with the car, maybe you should consider selling it and getting back into a japanese car which, based on your previous comments, seems to be your preference.
    Mate, I love your comment. Great call

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by NickZ View Post
    Is it because there is no syncro for Reverse gears?
    Not only that. In quite a few cases, reverse is noisy because it's a straight cut gear as opposed to a helical one.

    That, coupled with the lack of synchro in some gearboxes (I'm pretty sure the Polo has a synchro in reverse - I've never crunched - ever), explains why many cars do the crunch.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Inner West, Sydney, NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by mdonohoe View Post
    Mate, I love your comment. Great call
    I agree.

    If this was eurovision, GT3 would have earnt a solid "10 pont".

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Melbourne VIC

    execution of that was perfect

    On a serious note though i have the same sort of problems and can replicate it so ill be showing it to the volkswagen guys when it goes in for a service shortly. 14000k/s on the clock if it helps.

    Basically, getting into second always seems a bit off kilter as if instead of going down (second on the H), its angled to the left so you have to sort of slide it in.

    Recently if changing gears at around 5k, if you push it into second it crunches quite badly but if you take it easy and let the syncros work, your on 3000 rpm before it slots in.

    Not sure if its a faulty syncro as i know 'not much' about mechanics but it seems pretty similar to what a few others are saying.

    Anyway, thats my 5c or so

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