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Thread: hatch wont open

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
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    hatch wont open

    I know this has been a spontaneous problem on some cars here, but I have the problem after triggering the cars alarm this morning by opening the hatches handle.
    The car was locked overnight (alarm on) and in the pouring rain this morning I went to open the hatch which triggered the alarm. I cancelled the alarm by pressing to unlock on the keyring, and then put some stuff in the back and closed it again no problem.

    This afternoon (on next attempt) I'm now greeted with a hatch that won't open. It was fully shut when I went to it, I unlocked the car and you can hear the handle activate the solenoid to open but nothing happens. Its got to be related to the alarm incident this morning but how to sort it I know not.

    any advice

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Perth, WA
    Our boot lock mechanism is only holded to the boot by a few plastic rivets iirc
    They might become brittle and prone to snap over time

    In your case they might be snapped already and the solenoid is acting against the wrong spot
    If you can't get it to open, you might have to take off the trim with the boot close which is a pita to do
    06 Polo TDi

  3. #3
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    sigh. trying to get on with go faster stuff and turd jobs like this keep getting in the way. bugger

  4. #4
    If you can hear the lock actuator working, it is possible that one of the screws (circled below) holding the actuator in place has rattled loose allowing it to pivot and miss the latch. (might work intermittently if it bounces into the right position)

    If you take the plastic trim off the inside of the boot, have a look around for a loose screw. Chances are its hiding somewhere in there.
    From memory the actuator is secured from behind.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails hatch wont open-20160123_210408-jpg   hatch wont open-boot-jpg  

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbalc1 View Post
    If you can hear the lock actuator working, it is possible that one of the screws (circled below) holding the actuator in place has rattled loose allowing it to pivot and miss the latch. (might work intermittently if it bounces into the right position)

    If you take the plastic trim off the inside of the boot, have a look around for a loose screw. Chances are its hiding somewhere in there.
    From memory the actuator is secured from behind.

    I fixed this snag on Sean's Polo when Anthony still had it. Found the screw in the bottom pf the hatch.

    Might open the hatch with the key in the lock if you have one.

  6. #6
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    thanks a lot guys. Yeah I can hear the solenoid actuating. I tried the key and no joy either. It just seemed bizarre to me that it happened after the very first time I had set the alarm off on the car in 3 years by trying to access that particular door. I was hoping maybe the system had just confused its positions or something but it looks to be what you guys say. I'll get on it. thx

  7. #7
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    Had a go but there was zero chance of getting the trim off with the boot closed without tearing it to pieces. Instead I sat next to the boot like a freak and push, pulled and twisted the boot in every possible way and after literally a hundred goes it opened. You were right. One of the screws had worked loose and was in the bottom. They are in with locktite now. The stub/pin that the catch strikes onto was bent off to the side. I'd say its that way from opening and closing the boot on my twisted driveway that's bashed it out of shape and probably what helped cause it. A lump hammer fixed that and now all good. Thanks for the pics and help fellas.

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