I've done this without a diagram... The center consol under the stereo has a rubber mat... Pull this out, and there are 2 torx screws behind this... Once these are undone, they start to uncover more screws to pull out the center consol...
Does anyone have diagrams showing how to remove the 9n3 gti centre console - the bit from the 'ashtray' to the gear lever and handbrake and between the front seats, including the gear lever boot? I've done a forum search but nothing relevant shows up.
Any advice/suggestions on how to do this without damage would be appreciated.
I've done this without a diagram... The center consol under the stereo has a rubber mat... Pull this out, and there are 2 torx screws behind this... Once these are undone, they start to uncover more screws to pull out the center consol...
"If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."
^ That, or - ask user 'Adam'.
He may still have the diagram's to pass onto you if he's feeling nice.
Start at the back - pull the rearmost section straight up.
As Blitzen said, next is the 2 torx screws at the front. Then lift the handbrake really high. The centre section of the console can be lifted around the handbrake/seats etc. The gearboot unclips out the top of this, leaving you to remove the console section.
The cigarette lighter power unclips out the bottom.
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