Originally Posted by
sorry man but i've gotta chime in here and ask other people as well - we all know that kw v1's have had leaking issues and cannot be rebuilt locally - has anyone heard of leaking issues with the fk's yet? i havent heard of any issues. not to call anyone out, but when you say you've had plenty of feedback from people in the performance mod and service industry, then that would mean that you're aware of more people than just me, josh and gary who are running fk's, and who furthermore have changed from fk's to kw's because they werent happy with their fk's.
ultimately, that would mean that there would have to be a number of people not on just this forum, but others, who went ahead and bought fk's, only to purchase kw v1's later on, and then subsequently to come back onto the forums and say "my kw v1's are better than the fk highsports / silverlines etc that i had on my car before".... yet i cannot think of a single person who has posted this, ever. analogies are one thing, but i want links to posts/ threads.
also, the first time you saw my car with the fk/koni combo (not to have a dig at all) i was a little taken back as you were pretty quick to rag on fk's in general, as well as how koni's were a lesser product because you have to adjust the rears off-car and how other coilies were better, even though i didnt know where you were getting this info from? (that's the way it came across on the night at tim's place, but i just nodded my head and agreed that yes my brand new fk/koni's are mediocre because adjustment in the rear isnt on-car).
and yet my car HAS AND WILL hold its own in the twisties with GTCC club's cars - i had R33 GTR skyline drivers grinning and saying "man, you were setting a damn good pace in the twisties!" and a bmw e46 m3 driver shaking his head and saying "that CANT be a standard diesel - ufck that thing's fast".
i'd have to agree with josh - he knows what he's doing, he did his research before buying his fk's, as did i, and we're both DAMN happy with our purchases.
i am not aware of any data, nor other cases/ instances that lend themselves as evidence to prove that kw v1's are really any better, for street and even occasional track driving, than any other brand such as fk, h&r, ap, or other similarly (within 100gbp) priced coilovers? if anyone knows, perhaps they should post in this thread
on one hand it seems we've got a bunch of people who run FK's who are fuggin happy with their product, and then on the other hand there's been a few peeps with kw v1's having leakage issues who have to look overseas to get them rebuilt, and yet somehow the fk's are ''not as good''? call me a vulcan, but that sounds illogical to me.
so, kids, the moral of the story is: if you've been thinking about fk's and they're within your budget and you're asking if they'll be alright, yes, they will. dont be put off by people who would tell you they're sh7t. damn, even hot tunings are supposedly not as good as the bulk of the FK range and yet josh's hottunings survived a good couple of years of abuse.