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Thread: First Speeding ticket!!

  1. #31
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    Hehehehehe...I like that last bit...The sad truth is that as much as the government goes on about the Road Toll and Speeding, they arn't going to endorse much about Safe Driving Courses because they are making so much money out of speeding drivers...Call me cynical

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Guildford NSW

    Smile Hi Blitzen

    You are right on.As long as they make money from the roadside 'cash registers' they will remain & possibly they will make up some implausable excuse to put up more cash ants crossing the road... Ive only 2 points left. 66 in 60 zone(on a long w/end) & 47 in a school zone so watch out B

  3. #33
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    I'm over the s**t they are pulling on drivers now...I think if they upped the speed limit on some FWY/HWY to 130 to 150(look at the 90km zones on the M2/M4/M7), the 60/80km zones on the UPGRADED Great Western HWY through the mountains, and get the school zones off them(Who remembers the 80km most of the way thought the mountains when it was only 2 lanes and no school zones!!). The western roads of NSW and NW roads of VIC should be 130km, not 110...Its a proven fact in Europe and the US that higher road speeds save lives, not take them.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Canning Vale, Perth, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Blitzen View Post
    I'm over the s**t they are pulling on drivers now...I think if they upped the speed limit on some FWY/HWY to 130 to 150(look at the 90km zones on the M2/M4/M7), the 60/80km zones on the UPGRADED Great Western HWY through the mountains, and get the school zones off them(Who remembers the 80km most of the way thought the mountains when it was only 2 lanes and no school zones!!). The western roads of NSW and NW roads of VIC should be 130km, not 110...Its a proven fact in Europe and the US that higher road speeds save lives, not take them.
    Ahh but Blitzen, I think you'll find that in European countries, the driver training is better as well/

    Here in Perth, we are absolutely brilliant at 3 point turns, and correct me if i'm wrong here, but I suspect that nobody has ever been killed when a 3 point turn went horribly wrong!!

  5. #35
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    I'm from NSW, but live up here in NT. Trust me, up here stopping at red lights, and using your blinkers are merely suggestions!!!

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by gareth_oau View Post
    Ahh but Blitzen, I think you'll find that in European countries, the driver training is better as well/
    Road quality on the 130km/h roads is incredible. Also, you have to pay like 20EURO to use them for a couple hundred ks. I'd prefer 110 with no stupid tolls.

  7. #37
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by tosspot View Post
    you have to pay like 20EURO to use them for a couple hundred ks.
    how is this in the slightest different to the situation we have in sydney?

    most of australia's major freeways are actually in pretty good nic. when driving at night with no1 on the road you'll find you can easily go 150 without feeling like your gonna be shaken off the road...

    i say get some descent driver training, regain the public's confidence by making REALISTIC speed limits (not 50km/h on a 6 lane major road ffs) and then start making long stretches of freeway 130 or 150.
    2x Caddy, 1x Ducato

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Well, I say we get rid of speed limits all together! I mean, then maybe drivers will actually have to assess the road conditions and make their own judgment about how fast they should be going for the conditions!

    Most people take the speed limits given as the minimum speed they should be driving, not the maximum anyways. n: That's the main cause of accidents, as people assume no matter what the road conditions are, they just drive to the speed limit. On top of that, we spend more time looking for school zone signs, speed sign, speed cameras and looking at our speedos instead of concentrating on other hazards on the road!

    So get some proper driver training, and get rid of the speed limits, and we'll all drive a lot better!

    '07 CW Polo GTI
    GIAC::Whiteline RSB + FSB::Forge SB:ogbone
    Glossy B::Cubby::Honeycomb::Antenna

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Canning Vale, Perth, WA
    agreed Mischa, and we dont even have fog, snow and black ice to contend with.

    We do live in a state of perpetual nannydom (i'm waiting for the authorities to ban music or speaking with passengers next)

  10. #40
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    The ban on music is closer than you may think...

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