I know I may be asking a little much by wanting to find the perfect balance for a street/track car but here goes. All experience and opinions welcomed. Especially all the track whores out there.
So a few questions to start things off. I believe the ideal front camber settings for a FWD car are between 3-4 positive degrees as printed here Suspension Tuning Negative Camber - Sport Compact Car Magazine
Then there is front and rear toe and the Polo from factory is known for having around 7mm positive toe hence the Whiteline shims. So what would suggest as being the idea measurements?
Then to front and rear camber. Now I know everyone would give their left one to have a set up like Eddy's but for us mere mortals I believe there may be a tiny bit of adjustment here. My last alignment print out says;
Rear Camber
left -1,35
right -1,26
Front Camber
left -1,22
right -0,50
What are your thoughts on those?
Cheers yal!