Originally Posted by
I think I might have a different opinion to what you seem to be implying ie :
It is cheaper to use only your brakes rather than your engine and gears to help slow you down.
IMHO using engine braking sympathetically is unlikely to prematurely wear out a transmission. It certainly hasn't for any of the 11 vehicles I've had for the last 37 years, and I did keep them most of them for long enough to notice if it was going to be a problem. And I don't recall any of my acquaintences needing to repair (let alone replace a complete) transmission because of engine breaking.
In fact, apart from outright abuse causing damage, the main issue I've seen with transmissions in recent years is people using top gear too much to tow heavy trailers using cars/vans with "weak" top gears (eg Turbo diesel Landcruisers, Bedford vans). Even there, it has been (admittedly expensive) bearing and shaft repairs, not totally new gearboxes.
Even VW's latest u-beaut DSG gearboxes do down shifts to provide engine braking to slow you down, so VW's transmission engineers must be pretty comfortable with the idea.
So some related questions for you :
How many examples of premature wear have you seen on manual transmissions that can definitively be blamed on using engine braking, and what percentage is that (of total worn manual transmissions) you've seen ?
How many of these have required a complete new transmission, rather than replacement/repair of the worn components only ?