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Thread: Cleaning the engine bay

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Cleaning the engine bay

    My engine bay is dusty as **** and I'm wondering what the best way to clean it is.

    I've been told not to use a hose or pressure washer anywhere near the engine bay due to electrical components etc. Is this true?

    I am guessing degreaser, let it sit then clean with a rag/cloth?

    How do the rest of you guys/gals clean your engine bay?

  2. #2
    This is how i do:

    Cover all the electric parts with baking foil which you dun wanna get wet, hose it down
    then spray some engine degreaser let it sit for about 3-5 mins. use a brush to get all the dirt off, hose it down and wipe it with a cloth.

    For your ref.
    Last edited by kelvniii; 20-12-2009 at 03:58 PM.
    2013 4Motion "BLACK BEAR"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    degreaser and a box of autowipes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    cover the "starter" just use a hose with minimal pressure. I use the Meguiars General Purposed or Degreaser, let it sit for a minute, then rinse it off. Air dry with a high pressure system, in my case a high powered vacumm cleaner (which can blow). The battery can get wet, as long as u dry them properly (NOT The STARTER).

    EDIT: I meant the Altenator. silly me!
    Last edited by leasaunce; 20-12-2009 at 11:50 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Adelaide South Australia
    I have never worried about the starter & haven't had a problem yet. In fact on a lot of cars they are low down & subject to water splashes from the road. I always cover the alternator with plastic sheeting or gladwrap. A friend was driving his 4WD through a large mud puddle that filled the engine bay with watery mud. It wrecked the alternator but every thing else survived. I would also go for a drive after cleaning to allow all the water to shake off, the wind & heat to dry every thing off. I also use compressed air to dry every thing off.
    I have found the best to use is some diluted truck wash sprayed from one of those $2 hand sprays & worked with a small brush followed by water. I don't use solvents except if there is an oil leak & then only in that area useing kero followed by water & truck wash.
    Understand how it works, troubleshoot logically BEFORE replacing parts.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Adelaide hills, SA
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    I've never covered anything, just choose very hot day for that and using high-pressure cleaner and as Jets I also use Chemtek CT18 Truck wash. Just don't go with the high-pressure cleaner nozzle too close to the radiator (75cm from the radiator core and always on angle) and electrical connectors. Than start up the engine and let it dry. If you don't have a high-pressure cleaner use buckets of hot water or do it at the carwash.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
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    I've never covered a thing under the hood when I clean it.

    • Bring engine up to operating temp.
    • Spray the entire engine bay with a general purpose cleaner (ie. something similar to Greens multipurpose)
    • Let it sit for 5 minutes
    • High pressure it all off

    Although I do make sure the nozzle doesn't get any closer than a meter to any part under the hood. Though depending on your HP unit, this may vary. Use your hand to test, you should feel the pressure of the water, but it should be misty with no sting, if that makes sense?

    I've never used a degreaser as I haven't needed to, since I spray down the engine bay once a month.

    Sunroof // ICT Tint // Seats // Steering wheel

  8. #8

    cleaning the engine bay

    I use brake cleaner or engine parts cleaner/ brake cleaner as you don't need to hose it off. then use crc to blacken everything that's black. comes up sweet as


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