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Thread: Cambelt should be done at 7 years/105k. So what else to do at the same time???

  1. #1
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    Cambelt should be done at 4 years/105k. So what else to do at the same time???

    My Polo GTi is an August 2008 with 65230 ks. I got it with 40000 k's. I have had Jimmy service it since I got it.

    The previous owner had already done a RevTech cutom reflash with Dump Pipe and Milltech exhuast system and K&N Intake. Fuel Reg upgrade and front slotted discs.

    I have purchased the 14 lb Clutch Kit from ECS and yet to be installed same with new slotted front rotors from GSL.

    I intend on changing the gearbox oil asap to Redline MTL.

    Ok I have been told the 'Cambelt' renewal should be done at 4 years/100k IIRC (Thanks Gav). Excuse me using moderator privileges to alter your posts Al. But I was taking a best guess and don't want to get pulled up for it later. So it's 7 years and 105k whichever comes first. Personally, as I do my own work, I'll be doing it much sooner regardless of the mileage. Cheers, Gavin

    So what does the 'Cambelt' renewal involve and how much are the parts and where can I get them at the right price?
    Links to suppliers please? DIY tech articals?

    Plus is there a upgraded the 'Cambelt' to suit and what else should be done at the same time!

    Come on VW techs and gurus advice needed please?

    Thnaks very much guys, any help much appreciated, cheers Al.

    I see ECS advertise lightweight pulleys, harmonic balancer kits but is there one for our Polo Gti?. These worth doing at the same time? (I had GFB underdriven on my WRX and they were great.)
    Last edited by Polo GTEye N9; 11-01-2013 at 06:01 PM. Reason: misinformation corrected

  2. #2
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    If Jimmy has been your man for servicing, check with him re the belt change. He has access to the latest servicing information. The belt will deteriorate with time as well as mileage.

    It's funny because in the UK when 1.8Ts first came out the interval was something like 100000 miles and 4 years. I bought a 98 Passat with 120000 on that had just had the belt done at the end of the lease.

    Lots of servicing is driven by lease intervals it seems.

    You could just do the belt but it's false economy. (unless you are doing it yourself and prepared to maybe have to re-do the job later because the water pump impeller fell off) So the normal thing to do is the waterpump, tensioner etc as well as the belt.

    There's no need to hunt down an upgraded belt IMO. I did see some blue Gates belts recently which are supposed to be "upgraded".

    Seb made a comment on vwthunders thread, not recommending lightweight undamped pulleys and lightweight flywheels. He reckoned that the mismatching harmonics were bad for the engine and in an extreme case might break the crank.

    A lot of stuff will fit the BJX motor but as it was never sold in the US, ECS don't specifically list things as suitable.


  3. #3
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    Thanks very much Gav. I think Jimmy is on holiday still but if your on line Jimmy, your thoughts? Cheers Al

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polo GTEye N9 View Post
    Thanks very much Gav. I think Jimmy is on holiday still but if your on line Jimmy, your thoughts? Cheers Al
    Yeah, he's in Thailand I think.


  5. #5
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    yeah, Jimmy is back on the 21st. (Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year )

    Just hit him up to do the belt, tensioner and water pump change.
    2016 MY17 Polo GTI with DA package. TMD fitted + Weather strip and Snow Screen removed otherwise dead standard.

  6. #6
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    If it puts your mind at ease, I've been thinking about doing mine as well, 45k kms, on a 2006 build.

    years say do it, kms say don't. A visual inspection gives me some confidence, I cant see any signs of deterioration yet. Its a hard call IMO.

  7. #7
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    Isnt it meant to be 60,000km?? That's what my local dealer at the time told me when I rang them up for a quote on the 60k service

    Quote Originally Posted by noone View Post
    45k kms, on a 2006 build
    Spends a lot of time in the garage Ben?
    MY07 Polo GTi
    Last run - 114.8kw atw
    Winton - 1:52.7130

  8. #8
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    What's a reasonable cost for the cambelt parts and labour?

    I'm being quoted $800 for the belt, tensioner and water pump incl labour and $600 for a 60k log book service.
    08 9n3 Polo GTI
    Mods: heaps

  9. #9
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    It's 7 years, or 105,000klms - whichever occurs first.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by rgvlee View Post
    What's a reasonable cost for the cambelt parts and labour?

    I'm being quoted $800 for the belt, tensioner and water pump incl labour and $600 for a 60k log book service.
    Thats actually not too bad. I was quoted $1250 for the belt/tensioner/wpump and $840 for the 60k....
    MY07 Polo GTi
    Last run - 114.8kw atw
    Winton - 1:52.7130

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