Try fluid and pads first...if you feel you need to go to rotors, why not go for 312mm. Here's the gear:
Got a couple brake places on the go.
Need a bit of advice. i really want to touch the brakes up a bit on the Polo, they can feel a bit soft from time to time.
Brake pads- Ferrodo or EBC???? also i think i have asked what the part numbers are for the Ferrodo 2500, but i will ask for it again. The brake place says Ferrodo dont make anything for the polo, so a part number would really help me out. Also how much did you pay for the pads?
Brake fluid is a definate go ahead too.
Now- I have been quoted on DBA slotted rotors, im told they arnt 4000 series. They are just standard rotors with slots :| touch confusing because a couple of you guys have been apparently quoted on 4000 series. Anyone have a part number for these? to make sure they are the same.
Would you guys suggest rotors aswell or should i just get fluid and pads?
Try fluid and pads first...if you feel you need to go to rotors, why not go for 312mm. Here's the gear:
Quote:"Part number is FCP1419H.I got mine from V Sport in Sydney phone 99679 8644"
I think thats probably a VSport part number as Ferodo down here didnt have anthing like it. I think they're the DS2500 series pads to fit a Skoda Fabia.
best Al
That's the Ferodo part number off the box. And, yes, it is for a Skoda or Seat of some description, same as for the EBC Greens
Hey there DBA 4000 are not made in a 288mm rotor. Try ATE Power grove rotors. I brought the 312mm rotors in the 4000 series. The DS2500 i would say would be the go over EBC green stuff as they are better when running at cooler temps as well as hot.
Last edited by PoloGTi; 21-08-2007 at 09:36 PM.