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Thread: Brake + Accelerator = Brake Only

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Gold Coast

    Brake + Accelerator = Brake Only

    Okay. So i dont know if any of you have noticed. It would be quite odd for someone normal to notice.

    If you put the brake and accelerator on at the same time. Only the brake works. Pretty much the accelerator gets cut.

    Is there anyway of disabling this? Does vagcom have that facility? It ****s me off!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Brisbane, QLD
    I'm not sure it gets cut. The brakes will always out perform the engine, so yours never going to accelerate when braking and flooring in.

    When i'm doing heel toe downshifts. the accelerator works fine *shrug*

    Maybe i haven't tried what your trying.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Nah. Acclerator gets cut. Cause if you realease the brake after the computer cuts the accelerator. You just push the accelerator to the floor and nothing happens.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Yep, its a 'feature' of all Bosch DBW ECUs.

    Its funny in mine with the BOV - While at crusing speed/accelerating just tap the brakes and the BOV vents.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Can it be disabled?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Canberra, ACT
    This relates to the ESP/TC elements of the ECU, as noted above. I understand there has been some code developed to disable this on certain models such as the R32 but I've not see n anything in relation to the Pog

  7. #7
    Two ways of doing it 9we have done it both ways)

    1: install a secondary brake light circuit with a switch - you can switch off the switch that leads to the ECU, and still retain the brake lights. As far as the computer is concerned - you are not using the brakes!

    2: have the software recoded. Due to legal reasons, we have only done it for cars that are used for circuit racing, as obviously it stops the car doing what VW originally intended it to do in emergency braking.

    2nd one is harder, we have to justif y enough cars "racing" to have it done.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Gold Coast
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    Is it recorded when you recode it?

    Can i just say that I use it for circut racing?

    Cause... Cough. Recode Mine. Cough.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Guy_H View Post
    Two ways of doing it 9we have done it both ways)

    1: install a secondary brake light circuit with a switch - you can switch off the switch that leads to the ECU, and still retain the brake lights. As far as the computer is concerned - you are not using the brakes!
    I'd hate to think what that does with the ABS sensors though - if the ECU doesn't know you're using the brakes, wouldn't that disable the ABS too?

  10. #10

    Quote Originally Posted by Wand Weaver View Post
    I'd hate to think what that does with the ABS sensors though - if the ECU doesn't know you're using the brakes, wouldn't that disable the ABS too?

    ABS function is completely seperate to ECU function - that is also why its easy to change brakes / rotors without upsetting (electrically) the ABS.

    When you think about it, VW & Audi are pretty much the only ones that disabel left foot braking - buy a Porche, BMW or Merc & they let you do it!


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