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Thread: Baby Seat in GTI??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    SE Burbs of Melb

    Baby Seat in GTI??

    Hey All,

    First time poster and hoping to be first time VWer too

    As per the title - anyone fitted a baby seat into the back of their gti?

    Already have a family car to do most of the duties but we're now chasing a second car. The chances of the baby ever going into it are rare, but at the same time it's possible.

    So - anyone out there have a baby seat in the back? if so easy? and would you recommend it?

    thanks in advance and great forum you have here too!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    sunshine coast
    easyest way to find out? go into the dealership and ask them if you can fit a baby seat. i understand they conect to the seats in diferant wasy depending on witch brand you get. though i do know on the back of the back seat (in the boot) there is an atachment you can connect baby seats etc too. but like i said best thing you can do to suit your baby seat is to head into a dealership and tell them your interested, believe me in current ecinomical times dealers will bend over back wards to help someone to seal a deal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    welcome ezz, wait for gtigirl or i think check in general section she has posted some thoughts on it
    Last edited by jasn78; 18-03-2009 at 03:51 PM. Reason: sorry wrong name listed
    Quote Originally Posted by seangti View Post
    The price of the car rarely indicates driver ability/lap time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Have put my 18month old in the back of my GTI with a baby-seat several times. No problem although I drive very conservatively when he is in the car.
    You have the attachement hook on the rear of the rear seat in the boot

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Yes 2 child booster and baby seats at different times, no issues.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    SoR, Perth
    Yep, I've put a baby seat in the GTI. Very much easier if you only have one child though. If you've got a really small one (child that is!) and you're going to be sitting them facing the rear, you'll struggle with the fit. The way around it would be to have the passenger seat way forward and the baby behind the passenger. Facing forward (a bigger child), it's better to sit the seat in the middle. That way their feet aren't restricted - so they kick you in the elbow rather than kick your back. And they'll be able to see outside better - important if your little angel gets carsick!!!

    Other info - anchor points are on the seat back rather than on the roof, which is a good point. Bad point is that the GTI is a 3-door only, not good for getting little one's in and out, especially in tight car parks!!!

    If you were going to use the GTI as the daily child transporter I would have seriously advised you against it. But, like myself, you say it's going to be rare. I only ever carry one of my two kids in the car and it's pretty rare at that

    Also, it helps if you're a shorty and have your seat quite far forward.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    England (UK)
    i have a baby seat in the rear of the car for my 3yr old dauter and it is great and easy to fit and remove if you have an isofix child seat, it just clips in no seatbelt to mess with!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    i second some of the comments already made....
    depends upon the seat you get also as some are quite bulky and will not fit if someone wants to sit in the front.
    we have one in ours but use it rarely and couldn't use it until she was old enough for forward facing. its still a struggle getting her in and out tho coz of the two door situation. the pillar really gets in the way and have found the only practical way is to slide the front seat forward and actually climb in the back and sit on the rear bottom part of the front seat. then it is more comfortable and you can adjust the belts etc without getting a sore back leaning in or over the seat.
    imo its not ideal if you are planning on using the car most of the time. we are looking at a tiguan for that reason, as the gti is my wife's car and she really struggles to get bubs in and out of it. figure 4 door will make it much easier.
    enter your location in your profile also.. as a member might be able to show you in person what its like.
    1974 1300 Beetle, 1997 Golf GL, 2003 New Beetle Cabrio, 2014 Audi A4 quattro

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    SE Burbs of Melb
    Thread Starter
    cheers guys and thanks for the info and warm welcome.

    i highly doubt bubs will ever make it into my car but it's good to know that it's at least semi-doable!

    keep you all posted on which way we go!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    sunshine coast

    awsome, dont stay a stranger new members are always welcome.


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