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Thread: Another new Polo GTI owner....

  1. #1
    theStainRemover Guest

    Another new Polo GTI owner....

    Heya all,

    just recently went into the VW dealer in Essendon looking to buy myself a TDI.

    Damn bastige dealer let me take home the demo Polo GTI overnight, so I did, and gave it a damn good thrashing.

    That sold the polo GTI to me, so I ordered a Shadow Blue one and it's 10 business days until I get mine dammit.

    So g'day to you all and happy to find a forum full of VW nutters!

    Anyway told VW to bugger off as far as the paint & interior protection and tinting goes - I'll be doing that after market. Not convinced of the advantages of paint protection meself.

    Anyone got any good recommendations as to a tinting and/or interior protection vendor in Northern suburbs of Melbourne? Approx costs and % value for tinting?

    FYI Insurance is quite good with VW Insurance at the mo - they have a $350 cashback offer until end of Jan07, so that'll be at least my window tinting paid for.

    Also very keen to explore the APR software upgrade sold by Volkspower in Melb (gets the Polo to 152 kW) and heard you can try before you buy. Anyone had any experience with this and recommendations?

    Also liked the sound of their modification package which was APR software + APR stainless exhaust system + Carbonio Cool air intake. Supposedly gets the pocket rocket up to 200 kW? Anyone had any experience or recommendations with this type of stuff?

    Thanks for any help in advance!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Welcome! And congrats on the purchase!

    The modification package sounds interesting...and pwhoar 200kw from just those mods?!?!?! Did you get a price on that package? Bit sceptical with those power numbers though if it is true. Not taking into account the reflash thats an extra 48kw with just an intake and exhaust? Is it possible?
    Revotechnik stage 1 flash, BC Sports coilovers, Lenso Type M's, APR R1 diverter valve

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Not sure about the 200kw package you mentioned. I tested the chip a couple of weeks ago and it was fantastic . Guy (APR QLD) has had it dynoed at 125kw@w i think.
    For Sale 2006 VW Polo GTI
    Have a Look
    Phase 2

  4. #4
    theStainRemover Guest
    Thanks for the welcome!

    Well not definite of the kW increase to 152kW (s/w upgrade) since I don't own the car yet but referring to:

    and also just going on what the stoner type guy at Volkspower was mentioning as well (who "confirmed" the web kW increase)....

    ie I haven't Dyno'd it. But then they let you try the APR software upgrade before you buy it - somehow they let you run a demo version of it on your car for 6 hours. So in theory I could get the card Dyno'd in the interim. However must clarify that the stonerdude mentioned that the APR software ALONE would bring the car to 152 kW.

    Which is why I was asking if anyone had tried/tested/confirmed the APR software upgrade to the "reputed" 152 kW and had any comments on it?

    However Additional the costing of the package that Volkspower (Melb) offered = APR s/w (brings you to 152kW by itslef = $2k) + APR stainless exhaust ($2K) + Carbonio Cool air intake ($699) = total of $4699 (which I was quoted by "stonerdude" from Volkspower over the phone) supposedly would get the car to 200 kW and would "kick almost anyone's ride on the road dude - think about power to weight ratio dude!"

    So wondering if anyone had gone down these specific road(s) yet and could comment? Worth it?

    Me = I'm getting a bit old and farty. Like quality performance cars and have also owned a couple of golfs (specifically), an audi, and BWM previous (and others but they don't note except for the subaru outback 2001 LE v.nice car for what it was), eventually leading to my choice of VW now.

    I loved my golfs, and can easily afford a GTI (Golf or Polo), but I like the look, concept and feel of the new Polo GTI (though dislike the lack of centre storage compt thingy).

    I'm probably not going to race it out on a track (though you never know) but more likely take it touring around the Victorian vineyard countryside with my wifey - or vice versa. Also the burn around the burbs after/from work is a kicker for me.

    Just to explain my situation; I'm married 5 years now, the inlaws own a few Enzeds, ie they are mostly rev heads - father in law owns both a current and a restored (from mem) '67 DB9, drives them in tours and such; the brother in law used to race at a national level (and was reputed to be good), so they're a wealth of of petrol head knowledge. Not to belittle women, but every type of car type race thing (ie go-carts and non auto pro stuff) my wife is the best of the girlies it the pack by far and wouldn't pick it from when you meet her, but she also beats half the guys = good car racing genotype.

    End result is even though I love my fast cars, wife loves them even more so I can get away with it

    Anyways if anyone has any experience with the above, noteably:
    - best tint people in Melb?
    - best interior prot in Melb?
    - comments on any APR upgrades - s/w and the above package and worth?
    - any other experience in the specific field - do's and don'ts?
    Last edited by theStainRemover; 13-01-2007 at 12:35 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Canberra, ACT
    Welcome mate

    Pound for pound, straight out of the box and on to the road at less than $30k, I reckon the Polo GTI is about as good as it gets. And you can track it quite respectably in that state, too Perhaps there is better value, quality and comfort to be had, but I'm stuffed if know what it it.

    But wait, as they say in the old Demtel ads, there's more! The 1.8T motor has been around for years, is as tough as old nails, and is substantially undertuned in the stock Polo GTI. So, yes, you can chip it for less than $2k and have an additional 30% in power. You can also upgrade suspension and brakes, all at pretty good value prices, too (personally, I reckon $2k for a s/s exhaust is over the top, and probably offers only marginal gains, if any).

    So, for a low cost ride to do what you want, the Pog is hard to beat. I've tracked mine and was pretty impressed. No, it won't do WRX times but it was decently close to the times I used to run on the same track in my RX-8...and as much fun!

    The only negative comment I'd make is to remember that because it is a low price entry, it is very easy to overcapitalise it with mods, so I'm taking easy
    Last edited by Timbo; 13-01-2007 at 05:52 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    I don't want to start a bun fight here but I reckon some facts need to be check out.

    That link shows 152KW with the APR flash but I am not having it, that it'll do 200KW without a bigger turbo. The K04 conversion on a MK5 GTI does 224KW.


  7. #7
    pologti_oldfart Guest
    I have to agree with Timbo on getting carried away with the mods!

    I was budgeting for a much more expensive car when I decided on the Polo so I could afford to go a bit crazy on the mods.

    After getting the APR flash I realised that I had a damn good car in that trim and do I really need to keep bolting things on!

    So I have decided to stop there and enjoy the car and save some money to boot!

    Of course that's just me (One indication that I am getting old!)

  8. #8
    theStainRemover Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw
    I don't want to start a bun fight here but I reckon some facts need to be check out.

    That link shows 152KW with the APR flash but I am not having it, that it'll do 200KW without a bigger turbo. The K04 conversion on a MK5 GTI does 224KW.

    With the upgrade package VWPower mentioned (the s/w,+the exhaust + the intake) they mentioned the figure 200 kW but yep wondering if that is reality or not, or if anyone's tried/bought the package?

    So what is the K04 conversion - is this just for the Golf GTI?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    The K04 is a bigger turbo, the Polo has a K03 I think like my A3 which is rated at the same std power of 110KW.

    The K04 in one varient is fitted to the 225HP Audi TT and to other 225HP VAG cars in a different varient which is suitable for front wheel drive cars like the Seat Leon Cupra R.

    As it is larger is can supply more boost and volume of air over the 03.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    h100vw - I totally agree. Here is what Guy Harding (APR Brisbane) said about the exhaust.
    Anyway, after a dozen dyno runs & a couple of changes this morning, there are no quantifiable gains to be made with stock turbo & stock intake.

    This is just as we expected after we cut up the original system, and also why the Polo makes such good horsepower with the APR Software (Vw have put a pretty good exhaust on this car in the first place!)

    Anyway, we are emission & noise compliant!

    I think the exhaust will come into its own when we put the K04 on in the coming weeks.

    There was a little bit of increase in midrange and top end, but we are talking a couple of percent - not enough to even rule out dyno differences - good thing is we didnt lose horsepower
    So some how i dont think a cai will get 50kw.

    Guy might be able to add more to this if he reads it.
    Last edited by shaneth; 13-01-2007 at 07:10 PM.
    For Sale 2006 VW Polo GTI
    Have a Look
    Phase 2

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