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Thread: Alarm/remote issue.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Alarm/remote issue.

    Ok so,
    1. Got home from work locked the car all good. 10seconds after alarm went off. Turned it off and relocked it. This happened many times in a row. Checked all the doors, boot bonnet still happening.
    2. After trying this many times to no success, now the remote will lock, but won't unlock (the red light isn't blinking on the remote)
    Any one else had this problem? The car is unlocked atm for fer of the alarm going off again.

    On a seperate note iv found a bit of water where the spare tyre is!? No idea where it's from can't see any leaks. I'm from Sydney coped a **** load of rain the last few days.
    2006 Polo GTI | APR Stage1 | PD160 | K&N Panel filter | Forge TIP | Forge DV | Forge IC Piping | Milltek TBE |
    | Forge Front/Rear Strut Braces | SEAT RCA Bushes|

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
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    So got to work this morning, car locked via remote the alarm hasn't gone off so far but unlock via remote still doesn't work. Going to change the battery see how that goes.

    As for the water I suspect a sunroof drain pipe I'll be blowing them out today at work and see what happens.
    2006 Polo GTI | APR Stage1 | PD160 | K&N Panel filter | Forge TIP | Forge DV | Forge IC Piping | Milltek TBE |
    | Forge Front/Rear Strut Braces | SEAT RCA Bushes|

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
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    Changed battery in remote and works perfect now. As for the alarm it might go off 5seconds after locking or 5hrs. Iv checked everything I can think of. Anyone shed some light on possible causes is this common? Can you by pass the alarm and just use the central locking?
    2006 Polo GTI | APR Stage1 | PD160 | K&N Panel filter | Forge TIP | Forge DV | Forge IC Piping | Milltek TBE |
    | Forge Front/Rear Strut Braces | SEAT RCA Bushes|

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    Try turning off the interior sensors, there is a switch for this on the B pillar below the window. That's something to eliminate. VCDS can tell you why it went off.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
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    Tried that

    been home for an hr or so and it hasnt gone off if it goes off again ill pull the siren fuse out. my VCDS cable should be here tomorrow so i can have a look.
    or if anyones form the Campbeltown area to have a look?
    2006 Polo GTI | APR Stage1 | PD160 | K&N Panel filter | Forge TIP | Forge DV | Forge IC Piping | Milltek TBE |
    | Forge Front/Rear Strut Braces | SEAT RCA Bushes|

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    new south wales
    I had a similar sort of problem to yours. Door switch/sensor was playing up and alarm would go off at random times. I only tracked the problem down when I noticed that the door open indicator on dash wouldn't work when door was open, and set alarm off. Did some googling and UKPolos had a fix which involved removing all door innerds and disassembling locking mechanism and re-soldering dodgy connections or replacing micro switches. Wasn't happy doing this so I tried some WD40 and a lot of opening and closing and it eventually came good.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
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    i WD40 all locks and latches. iv taken out the alarm siren/horn as well and it hasnt played up since. i read on UKpolos that sometimes the siren and cause it to go off. i will look further into it when im not so busy at work and have time to pull things apart.
    2006 Polo GTI | APR Stage1 | PD160 | K&N Panel filter | Forge TIP | Forge DV | Forge IC Piping | Milltek TBE |
    | Forge Front/Rear Strut Braces | SEAT RCA Bushes|

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