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Thread: 9N3 GTI Central Locking Issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Users Country Flag

    9N3 GTI Central Locking Issues

    Bought my 9N3 GTI in January and have had been very happy with it.

    However, recently I've been having a few problems with the central locking.
    Neither of the 2 keys will lock the car or unlock the boot. The car will unlock with either key.
    The doors and boot will lock and unlock with the interior controls and the car will automatically lock the doors when I've been driving for a period of time.

    Also the door open light is nearly always on despite the fact both doors and the boot are closed. Sometimes the light will only come on after I've been driving for a while. IE I will be driving along at 60km/h and all of a sudden the door open light will come on and stay on, even if I stop and open and close both doors it will still stay on.

    Do any of the more experienced VW owners have any idea on what could be the underlying issue?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Melbourne, Vic
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    Sounds like the sensor in the door lock module has gone, does the fuel pump still prime regularly when opening the drivers door?

    Look forward to hearing feedback about this, mine on the odd occasion plays up.
    2016 Golf R, APR Stage 1
    2010 Polo GTI 9n3, 4 Program APR Tune, PD160, White line front and rear sway bar

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Thanks for replying.
    The fuel pump does still prime when the drivers door is opened.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
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    yeah I agree. If it thinks that a door is open (interior light coming on) then that could be making it chuck a wobbly. Strange that neither remote is working though. Are you certain their batteries are fresh because I had my pair die within a few weeks of each other.

    I've got the opposite problem. I can only get my interior light to come on intermittently now when the drivers side door is open. But like you it will lock by itself - it'll to lock itself after I get into it if I don't put the key into the ignition. Bit of a worry that one cos if I was to close the door with the kids and the key in the car it could become a big problem. So looking for a solution to that and i'll be watching how yours gets on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
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    An update on my central locking;
    Tried replacing the batteries in both remotes and disconnecting the battery on the weekend.
    The door open dash light no longer comes on at all, and both remotes will now lock and unlock without issue.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
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    sweet - good result. Ive already done my key fob batteries with no joy so prob something else on my car.

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