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Thread: 2008 polo gti myths

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    2008 polo gti myths

    I am looking at purchasing a polo gti between 2002-2009 and I have heard rumours about the 2008 bieng thier best year but I did some research and didn’t see much about the changes that have happened in this generation so I only assume not much has but I could be wrong. I will be doing some tastefull mods such as coil overs and apr tune ect and just want to make sure I pick the right year for it (if thier are even many changes)
    Last edited by Evan69; 15-11-2018 at 03:14 PM.

  2. #2
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    Mate there's one for sale in the claasifieds under cars for sale. The guy selling it was a solid guy that was on here a lot a few years back. He only wants 5k$ for it and is is carrying every single mod you could possibly want yet as a daily.
    I've had an 06 and an 08 and there is zero difference between them. The later models had identical looking rims with 5mm more offset to them and then some cosmetic little things like no key hole in the boot, but that's basically it. For all intents think of them as the same thing. Id look into Pete's car as it would be one of the best out there. I drove to QLD to fetch mine, its no biggy to do an interstate buy especially for a car that's well worth it.

  3. #3
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    This one Sam?

    Plenty of options other than APR, dont just jump on that band wagen.

    I can send you a stage 1 ECU to try out. It will work in any 9N3 GTI


  4. #4
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    your link didnt work Gav. Maybe mine wont either but I was looking at Pete's (Bulletfast)'s:

    Moving on my Stage 3 Polo GTI 9N3

    Franken Ko3 hybrid, MCA's, brakes etc

  5. #5
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    given mine cost me $4K, cost $1.3K to get on the road (timing belt, reg and insurance) and I've spent around $2.5K on it and it's nowhere near the spec of that car, it's a dead set bargain

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    Thanks for all the helpful info I appreciate it, looks like its already been sold? I would go interstate for something like that but pretty full on with work at the moment and think I will just keep looking around QLD for now.

  8. #8
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    Evan when you are dealing with trying to find a tidy up to 12 year old car I wouldn't get too caught up in model year differences. Just sourcing a clean un crashed, un faded un cracked example that is low kay would be my main priority. If you are buying around the 100 k km numberthen you need to make sure the timing belt is done. They are out there. Back then VW's weren't every single car on the road and the people that bought them were paying a bit extra and often really looked after them so there are some single owner ones out there still.

  9. #9
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    What Sam said above about captures it.
    Do you Aussies get much variation in specs? My old 06 was NZ new, had really nice black and red leather, which was different to any other leather examples I've seen, but no heated seats. It also had a trip computer, which unfortunately is lacking on my current 07 used Japanese import. The only other difference I can think of is that my 07 allows you to turn off the front passenger airbag. Otherwise both awesome little 5 doors.

  10. #10
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    yes that's right my early one had a glove box key for the airbag. I thought that was a good little feature. Yeah there are leather, sunroof options but in black leather only I think.

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