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Thread: 2006 Polo GTi dash versus non GTi dash

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016
    New Zealand
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    2006 Polo GTi dash versus non GTi dash


    New to all things VW.
    Just purchased a 2006 Polo GTi and am looking to upgrade the radio to a Android unit. Looking around, there are lots of options that are deemed a direct fit to the 2006 Polo, except for the GTi.

    Is the GTi dash and/or electronics different to a non GTi Polo?
    I can't find any information on the net to verify.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    As long as it is for the '9N' Polo, I'm pretty sure most stuff is applicable to the GTI, except some of the engine and braking system. The head unit is a double din right? Should be a standard universal form-factor for whichever headunit you choose. I learned there are some VW-specific radio-removal tools available on ebay etc. Most installers should have them, but you will need them to do it yourself (cleanly). They slot into the little slits in the corners of the face of the unit.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by PiRACY View Post
    As long as it is for the '9N' Polo, I'm pretty sure most stuff is applicable to the GTI, except some of the engine and braking system. The head unit is a double din right? Should be a standard universal form-factor for whichever headunit you choose. I learned there are some VW-specific radio-removal tools available on ebay etc. Most installers should have them, but you will need them to do it yourself (cleanly). They slot into the little slits in the corners of the face of the unit.
    Thanks for that. I did some measures and the opening in the GTi matched the VW specific double DIN unit they were offering (even though they stated that it was not for a GTi) so I went ahead and purchased. Everything fitted perfectly.

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