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Thread: 06 Polo Gti APR'ed Vs 06/07 WRX Standard

  1. #1
    Rocket GTI Guest

    Thumbs up 06 Polo Gti APR'ed Vs 06/07 WRX Standard

    Hello, I finally had a go with a Standard black 06/07 WRX including standard exhaust. And I can say we were very even all the way into fourth gear I had a bit more mid range he had more top end power. I had maybe 1 meter on him before I braked hard . He later gave me a wave I gave him the thumbs up. My opinion is most WRX's go good . Not like most Commodore or Falcon V8,s. Go Turbo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Newcastle, New south wales

    GTI vs WRX

    Congrats on the win.

    Thats a big achievement being able to stay ahead of the rex even through the higher gears.

    I have to buy the smaller bits and pieces for my car (TIP, new airbox intake pipe) before i want to get the flash... but i cannot wait !!!!!!!

    I had a rolling race with a BA v8 fairmont and it got me i dare say i would of shat on it off the line but i need more power !

  3. #3
    mdonohoe Guest
    Mitch_GTI - Your not APR'd yet?

    Rocket_GTI - Nice. GTI's dont "feel" as fast as a WRX due to the fact that they spin up quicker(boost comes on earlier). But a great race. Best thing tho??? You dont need to stress the f**k out of your gearbox to win

    I'm APR'd and I kinow that I'll win most of the time The few Commodore SS's that I've raced know not to mess with a little car now.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Newcastle, New south wales

    GTI vs WRX

    Not APR'd yet.

    Wanted a few kms on the car before i started hiking the power up.
    before i flash it im preparing the car... new diverter valve on now new BMC panel filter on now. getting Turbo inlet pipe and new airbox intake.

    Whiteline swaybar has been ordered and will be here any day now.

    Then its flash time.

    Now with 4 thousand kms on car. and have changed the oil and filter. Ready to make some power

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    mitch, what are you doing in regards to your airbox intake pipe?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Newcastle, New south wales
    ordered a new inlet pipe from Guy.

    It's going to cost me the earth but apparently its 40% larger in diameter incomparison with the standard intake pipe.

    So get more air into the airbox, and then get more air into the turbo when i replace the Turbo inlet pipe too.

    then its time to flash !!!

  7. #7
    GTI PERTH Guest
    Hi Mitch

    What stage tuning are you going to get from GUY, reason why i ask is ive been on the phone to him today and he seemed very helpful

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I used to have a slightly modded WRX and I didnt get beaten, not even once... not to sound like a super rice boy drag racer... but Subaru 4wd's are really quick.. and an STi well...
    Last edited by phaeton; 29-03-2007 at 11:02 AM. Reason: Clean up at request of Admin Staff

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hey rocket i dont think it was his intended idea to get you to leave. Sometimes forums have a way of being very impersonel you cant see the other persons reaction. Maybe floody ws a bit harsh maybe he wasnt, its no need to run off. Just take these things on board and move on. The more polo drivers on here the better.
    For Sale 2006 VW Polo GTI
    Have a Look
    Phase 2

  10. #10
    brackie Guest

    Street racing

    This forum does not condone any form of street racing and will edit or remove any posts that relate to it. Moderators...please be vigilant.

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