well here i am again (

let me give u the full story with my car and hopfully someone can help me once more

the car had an issue that no one could fix. The lady who owned the car would drive it and after about 15 minutes it would cut out and not start for at least half hour. The problem was the dash would cut out first .. anyhows it was in a local garage for 18 months and they couldn't work it out then it went to another garage for about 12 months and it never got looked at... i brought it and through this forum (thank you!!!!) it was suggested it mite be bad connections with the fuses over the battery which it was!!! wooohooo all running no issues...

So i changed all the oils sent it for its rwc and with very minimal work she was on the road.. after about 1000'ks it started to miss so i replaced the leads and plugs and its been great.. with the only real issue was the a/c doesnt work(replaced tx valve but it seems its the compressor)

now to the latest problem.. the other day i was driving it and it started to miss like crazy, i backed of the throttle and it cleared and was fine.. every since i got the car if i was in a high gear and put my foot down while at lowish revs it has had a very slight splutter, not bad but u could feel it cough ever so slightly then off she went.... The next day it ran fine no problems so i didn't worry to much about it.

Couple of days later it did it again and hasn't stopped since.. it seems better when cold in the mornings and when the revs are higher it clears and runs fine (about 2700rpm) but when its warm it can doing it right thoughtout the rev range. if u have it in 4th at 60 and put ur foot down it shudders so hard , higher revs and its not as bad but still not right.. i have found that if i back off the throttle and just touch it it will run fine and the revs will rise but as soon as u attempt to push it harder it returns which makes pulling out interesting!!!!!

i pulled the plugs to see if they had anything wrong and they looked fine, i also replaced the fuel filter as i have had a car do the same thing and the filter was blocked (it replaced it when i first got the car and drained all fuel as it had sat so long) just in case some **** from the tank and made its was through.. still doing it... i also ran it down to the mechanic and the scan tool showed nothing wrong so no help there...

The problem is that its not all the time, u can dive it one day and its fine, mite cough and splutter once then not miss a beat but next time its horrible and spluttering like mad.

so any suggestions would be awesome as i have no idea and the nearest vw garage is over 100k's away and im not wanting to drive it that far the way it is...

thanks once again and i hope that some one can save me once more )
