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Thread: 6N2 fault codes

  1. #1
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    6N2 fault codes

    hey all, as stated in my previous thread the polo suffered from some issues..

    now its been with the mechanic and i was contacted today as they cant work out whats the issue..

    when they first connected there scan tool it came up with a few fault codes which it allowed them to reset all of them apart from two.. they are

    00518 g69
    00530 g88 both have the message "short with ground"

    They have determined there is no spark and no pulse at the injectors. They said they think its mite be an immobiliser fault. The other reason they think it mite be the immobiliser is when they reset the codes and tried to start it spin over and attempted to fire once and displayed "engine failed to start due to immobiliser " but that goes when they reset.

    so anyone got any suggestions?



  2. #2
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    I have had a lot of VW cars with immo faults caused to faults in the cluster but mostly in hotter weather.

    In the ECU you should have a fault like "17978 Engine start blocked by immo" and in the instrument cluster would be "01128 immo pickup coil" and "01176 key".

    If it is a cluster fault most of the time I can repair these.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by AALocksmiths View Post
    I have had a lot of VW cars with immo faults caused to faults in the cluster but mostly in hotter weather.

    In the ECU you should have a fault like "17978 Engine start blocked by immo" and in the instrument cluster would be "01128 immo pickup coil" and "01176 key".

    If it is a cluster fault most of the time I can repair these.

    If the immo is the same as the ones in the 6n1's you could just try and bypass it to test with. You can get them from ebay, or i have a few here. i actually have an immo from a 6n2 i could look at if you need.
    My Car(s): 2011 6R TSI Comfortline (Pepper Silver),
    If you're in need of any 6n1 parts, odds are that I am going to have them (dismantling 2 at the moment)

  4. #4
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    If your Polo does have the separate immo box try replace the key reader coil, I have had a few of these die.

    Your Mechanic should be able to diagnostically see where the fault is with the car. If the car is reading the key transponder or not and if so, if the immo is sending a start code to the ECU.

  5. #5
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    Ok with the mechanic now and all codes have been reset bar one and its a different one to before.

    Its 01087 basic setting not performed

    Any idea what the hell that one is as it wont reset and he/me have no idea whats the deal

    Thanks again

  6. #6
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    Still no spark and pulse. Nothing

    Sorry forgot to say

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dubcrazy View Post
    Ok with the mechanic now and all codes have been reset bar one and its a different one to before.

    Its 01087 basic setting not performed

    Any idea what the hell that one is as it wont reset and he/me have no idea whats the deal

    Thanks again
    01087 - Ross-Tech Wiki

    I think a scan with VCDS would be better than a generic scanner. So much more information comes back.


  8. #8
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    If that is the only info that the mechanic can get then I think it would be a good idea to take it so someone that can deal with VAG. Like Gavin said you are going to need a bit more than a generic scanner, unless you want to pay for someone to be blindly swapping parts out.

  9. #9
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    The mechanic i use is very good but isnt a VAG shop, the problem i have there is im a couple of hundred k's from a VAG shop.
    So access to there systems is hugly limited. Would cost a small fortune to get the car tilt trayed down.

    I was with him yesterday when he had it all hooked up and there is nothing being thrown up for immo anywhere, he is useing the lastest snap on scanner which i know wont be as good as a VAG one.

    All the tests showed no issues bar an intermitant tps short( the original codes) but all else comes up fine on cluster and ECU.

    Just no spark and not pulse which still leads me to think its something to do with the immo, now im no mechanic (spraypainter) and im a old car fan so electronics makes head hurt. But what i dont get it the fact it rev'd to 4 grand and hit the limiter as if i had rev'd it out first before completely shutting down. With the fault codes coming up on the tps i would say that but as i understand them even if the tps fails it would still start/have pulse/spark but run like junk and cause possible damage.

    Its been a great car and the daughter loves it( going to be her's when she gets of her L's) really want to work it out

    Thanks for any input, I'll try just about anything : o)

  10. #10
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    It's going to make it tricky to diagnose with only a SnapOn as they don't really tell you much.

    Isn't t there an immo light in the cluster? If so is it going out when you turn the car on?

    If there is and it's going out then the immo box side is happy with the key but it might not be sending the start signal to the ECU, or if it is the ECU might not be getting it. It might be that the ECU and immo have lost their handshake and need to be adapted back together.

    To help eliminate that it would be worth trying as pontiff suggested and use an immo emulator, but if the fault is with the ECU then it still wont start.

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