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Thread: 6N2 Door handle/locks on 6N1

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Sydney, NSW
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    6N2 Door handle/locks on 6N1

    Hi all!

    So my door locks have packed it in on my 97 Polo 6N1, and its going to cost $200 per door handle/lock set through the mechanic.. (can't use the lock repair kits apparently)

    I can get a 2x handle/lock set off a 6N2 Polo with key and was wondering if this will retro fit onto my 6N1? Do they share the same parts?

    Would really appreciate an answer to this one as it'll save me a butt-load of cash

    Hope you guys can help!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Lowood Qld
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    so what broke
    did the lockbarrel pull out with the key in it
    then its prob the attached shaft has broken a small hook off it and is replaced by an $8 shaft held in with a small spring and the hook.

    email me a pic
    the parts are also avail on ebay much less than quoted.
    was the central locking activating?
    if nr Camdn go see Camden GTI as the use Seat ones prob fit well.
    german - english translations esp vw documents!!

    Dismantling 95 Seat Cord'a and 73 campers and 74 dc van !!! Some Mk1 and t2 ant3 gear in my stash,,,

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sydney, NSW
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    Quote Originally Posted by karmen View Post
    so what broke
    did the lockbarrel pull out with the key in it

    First of all the car only ever had 1 lock, on the driver side... the passanger lock barrel was missing, had fallen out..

    The key just turned both ways in the barrel and had no effect on the lock.. then while trying to get the key out one day the barrel came with it...

    I've seen plenty of those kits online, i know what you're talking about.. However I was hoping to replace both driver and passenger side.. if the 6N2 part fits on the 6N1...

    The central locking isnt working at the moment, im about to go give my mechanic a new/used Central locking pump i picked up for $50 online..

    Is it worth me even replacing the passenger side if i get central locking working?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Lowood Qld
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    just as I thought
    the $8.00 part takes 10 mins max to fit
    when fitted it will activate the cntrl lock syst
    I have a mk3 /Cordoba and some spares are compatible btw keep my name n email is quicker btw...
    the pup is near the fuel filler
    inside under the side carpeting in the boot inside a soft rubber casing and will be 5 mins to unplug etc then check for leaks (if any)
    someone on here near you would poss help
    I will see if i have a suitable barrel and key as I have a sim prob (no barrell in my pass door 3 mnths now since i brt it)
    I used to live in Sydney
    if they knew what suburb are u in
    german - english translations esp vw documents!!

    Dismantling 95 Seat Cord'a and 73 campers and 74 dc van !!! Some Mk1 and t2 ant3 gear in my stash,,,


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