I'd read it before, all the bad behavior exhibited by 1.6 Polo's. Eratic idle, lurching when driving, even cutting out. Mine was driving me nuts, just awful to drive like that. I cant rely on anyone here in Brisbane to have a look at it (unless someone has a suggestion). It was leaking a little coolant from the water pipe that leads to the top radiator hose, turns out this pipe is a one piece unit, with thermostat and about five hoses coming of it. $140 dealer only, not bad as it comes with the temp sensor.
Unplugged the battery.
Moved the distributor cap, and wiring loom out of the way.
Pulled off the hoses, a breeze cause of the plastic fittings.
Drained all the coolant.
Three 10mm?(i think, it was a week ago) bolts.
Took of old unit, put on new one.
Radiator and cooling system flush(heater on)
Plugged everything back on.
New coolant.
Good as new, i guess if u wanted to u could just buy the sensor, but i'm really glad this fixed the idle as there was the leak that needed looking at anyway.
Now if I hadnt just spent the best part of $1200 on a new aircon compressor, i would be feeling great.
Excellent contribution! Cheap fix. A pity about the cost of the a/c comp. Still, where you live I wouldn't be without one. Keep up the good work. (Others, if you do a repair job, even though it might seem simple to you, try and find the time to write somehting up. There are those both on the forum and not yet members who may not have the skills and experience you have.)That's what we're all about.