The regulator died in my drivers window. I took the car to a dealer, the word south figures. I have the extended warranty thru this dealer.
They quoted me for the work, and said it would most likely be covered by the warranty. When I went to pick the car up I was informed that the insurance company was on credit stop, and because of this they would hold the car for up to a month, until this was resolved. or I could pay for the repair. I rang the insurance company to find it was the dealer that was on credit stop, and that they hadn't made a claim in over 4 months.
My only option was to pay to get the car back, and then claim the money back thru the insurer.
Exactly what you don't need a week b4 Xmas .
My advice to others here is be very careful when purchasing extended warranty. Check that you can take your vehicle to any dealer for repair or service. And avoid this dealer like the plague. They also took 5 visits to fix a roof issue, a simple adjustment.
Thus ends my sad Christmas tale.
Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk
Unfortunately it happens often enough. It pays to stick with the big names, and yes you're right, those ext. warranties offered by some dealers aren't just worth to spend money on.
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