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Thread: Recommended repairer: Perth

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Recommended repairer: Perth

    Hey all!

    Did a search but i could not find many places in Perth.

    Got quite a bit of rim damage, so i will be replacing a couple of rims, but the engine is a lot louder than it used to be... exhaust leak maybe?

    It is a 07' Turbo Diesel Jetta.

    Any one have a recommended repairer? I'm South of the river, but anywhere in Perth is fine.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Perth WA
    Err, hi Geoff!

    I've heard of a place called Alliance Wheel Repairs, they used to advertise on Ch 31 from memory. Don't know about workmanship though.

    As for vehicle service, if you're based SOR try Quattro Motors in Burswood. Many of the local members go there. They should be able to help you with the Jetta.

    Welcome to the forum!

    '03 BMP MkIV Golf GTI | Oettinger tune | K04 | 18" OZ
    '04 BMP MkIV R32 #144
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Canning Vale, Perth, WA
    I used Alliance (in Osborne Park) for some wheel rash on one of my GT-P rims. they did a great job, and you cant tell (apart from the dent in my bank account - around $200!)
    2007 Audi RS4 with: APR ECU Upgrade; JHM Quick Shifter; Milltek Catback and Downpipes; KW V3 Coilovers; Argon Creative Carbon Fibre Splitters

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Perth, WA
    Alliance rim repairs are one of the only shows in town and it shows! they have a pay our price or bugger off attitude. wont even give you an exact quote, time of completion or even a card with their correct address and phone number on it.

    as for a service centre i take my mums 307 and both my sisters and my GTIs to Swiss Auto on Stirling Hwy in Mossy Park. i know the guys there really well and the mechanics (alot of them Swiss guys) are fully qualified VW Audi mechanics and know their stuff better than any of the dealers. they also have VAG-com and all the other specialist VW tools. i cant recommend them any more. been using them for years and i dont intend to change

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Perth, WA
    Alliance are very good but incredibly busy. My rims took a beating at the hand of a mate in the hills one night and ended up getting them repaired by Swan Tyres just down the road from Alliance, it was about $100 a wheel. Took em a few days.

    Quattro Motors have a very good rep. As does Golfwagen in Wangara if you are game for the drive.
    1996 Golf VR6 Colour Concept Green

  6. #6

    Kudos to Golfwagen

    I have just had a good experience with Golfwagen.

    Started off as a 90,000km service on my 2001 2.0l Golf; Joe was quick to point out that the cam belt was due for replacement, and that usually included the tensioner and the water pump as preventative measures. He also picked up a cracked inner CV joint boot and found the clunk in the left hand tie rod I had been concerned about but couldn't find.

    We had a good look at the water pump afterwards and sure enough the plastic impeller had a crack in it, so I'm really glad we changed it.

    It cost me money but the quality of the work left me with no complaints. I hadn't had a professional eye over this car since I bought it and now I have peace of mind that it is as the factory intended. It's driving well.

    Anything on top of the original job I was told about straight away, with the time and cost. Joe and Wade are both good guys, polite and up front, and I got the impression that they know their volkswagens.

    Worth the drive IMHO, but I came down from the country so one end of the freeway or the other made little difference to me.

  7. #7

    Quote Originally Posted by jenkinsr View Post
    I have just had a good experience with Golfwagen.

    Started off as a 90,000km service on my 2001 2.0l Golf; Joe was quick to point out that the cam belt was due for replacement, and that usually included the tensioner and the water pump as preventative measures. He also picked up a cracked inner CV joint boot and found the clunk in the left hand tie rod I had been concerned about but couldn't find.
    Tell me about this clunk you had in a tie-rod. Is this a known fault or weak point with this car?

    I ask because I've just bought the same car as you. A 2001 2.0 GLE model with 92,000km in my case, but close enough to exactly the same as yours. I didn't hear anything on the test drive before I bought it, but now I have, I'm hearing a graunching type noise coming from the left front noticeable most while turning right and especially while braking and turning right. I'm thinking a worn suspension bush, but maybe this is common?


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